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Evaluating effective change in primary school: Behaviour management strategies for children with emo

This paper aims to evaluate how behaviour management strategies can be implemented effectively in a key stage two class, focusing on children with emotional and behavioural disorders ...

Re-assessing the Current Assessment Practice of Children with Special Education Needs,

Published as: Lebeer, J., Birta-Szekely, N., Demeter, K., Bohács, K., Candeias, A.A., Sønnesyn , G., Partanen, P., Dawson, L. (2011), School Psychology International,33 (1), 69-92. DO...

Everybody has a book in them - have you?

One of the most common ambitions, even amongst those who rarely read, is to write a book. A search on Google turns up an infinite number of courses all promising to turn you into a be...

Challenging the unknown

Few economic mechanisms arouse as much debate as the much debated Quantitative Easing Programme, embarked upon by central Banks across the Developed world in an effort to reinvigorate...

Devolution, 15 Years On: A Sophisticated Solution or a Constitutional `Cop-Out`?

Constitutional lawyer Vernon Bogdanor has described the devolution settlement of 1998 as the "most radical constitutional reform this country has seen since the Great Reform Act of 18...

A Discussion of Scatalogical Imagery in the Poetry of Jonathan Swift

'Nothing short of the most violent love or the intensest loathing could possibly account for so obsessive a preoccupation with the visceral and excrementitious subject.' Examine the r...

writing sample

The renowned quote by Sewell has meaningful ideas, concepts engraved within it. Thus before we reach our personal judgment of agreeing or disagreeing with his statement, many elements...

Diversification Benefits of Asian REITs (Real Estate Investment Trust)

Investors see real estate as an indispensable investment class in a well-diversified portfolio; no other investment class provides the same risk-return profile. The reasons are a few:...


Although most enjoy the learning process,it can be said that examinations bring out the worst in all of us,regardless of academic ability. During my time as an examinations coach,I h...

Fracking, shale gas and health effects

Rarely does a new form of energy - shale gas - have such a dizzying range of potential impacts, good and bad. It could significantly increase America's level of energy independence an...