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Why Mission Statements are still the key to business success

Why Mission Statements are still the key to business successAs long as there have been businesses, there have been mission statements. A clear, punchy, concise declaration of a busine...

Is Handy’s Model of Culture still relevant today?

Is Handy s Model of Culture still relevant today?Charles Handy, a renowned management theorist, has contributed significantly to the understanding of business cultures. But over for...

The Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on UK Businesses: Was it all bad?

The Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on UK Businesses: Was it all bad?It is always hard to predict and plan for the impact of external factors on a business. Whether it be economic,...

Failed startup? There’s always something to learn.

Failed startup? There s always something to learn.Despite the impact of the pandemic, over 800,000 businesses started in the UK in 2020-21, a 21.7% increase on the previous year. Wh...

How to answer a question focused on the impact of Stalin`s economic`s policies

If you’re asked about the success or failure of economic policies of Stalin or any other leader, it’s important to be able to argue that economic progress, particularly just...

The impact of the Terror

The Terror beginsIt was in the regions, not Paris, where the real bloodshed was to take place and first to feel the vengeance of the committee was the second city of France, Lyon, whi...

The importance of social reformers

Two key figures you must know about are Charles Booth and Seebohm Rowntree. At the end of the 19th century, despite vast increases in wealth, an idustrialised economy and an empire co...

Life in Medieval England

Conditions for most people outside of the lucky 2-3% that made up the aristocracy of England (remember……it was still England. Great Britain didn’t come into existence u...

What was a medieval doctor?

Most people thought of as medics in the 11th or 12th century were not dedicated solely to medicine. They dabbled in it, along with a range of other jobs they had to undertake. Put ano...

The importance of adding nuance in your answer

Let’s briefly cover off the importance of nuance.When answering questions, always be aware that you should try to add nuance. Nuance means that rather than making a sweeping gene...