Tutor Hunt

Resources (page 429)


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Story mountains

Everyone needs a route map, whether it's Hillary and Tenzing climbing Mount Everest or an English candidate writing a story. One of the ways of planning a story is to create a story m...

Poetic devices

It's important to be able to recognise and analyse poetic devices when studying literature at any level. Dylan Thomas is my favourite poet, and he uses so many that I decided to take ...

Useful formulas

What is a problem? A problem = a fact + a judgment. That is a simple formula that tells us something about the way the world works. Maths is full of formulas, and that can intimidate ...

Fractions, decimals and percentages

Pizzas are very useful, mathematically speaking. However much we hate fractions, we all know what half a pizza looks like, and that's the point. Numbers don't have any intrinsic meani...

Essay writing

There comes a point in everyone's life when you have to undergo the ritual that marks the first, fateful step on the road to becoming an adult. It's called 'writing an essay' and invo...

Number sequences

Number sequences appear in Nature all over the place, from sunflowers to conch shells. They can also crop up either in Maths or Verbal Reasoning, and both are essential parts of 11+ a...

Concept planning and its practical use at sixth form

Concept planning is a cycle divided into five sections. The first, communicate, tries to ascertain how much the students already know on a subject before delving into the relevant ...

Promoting spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of the students.

All National Curriculum subjects provide opportunities to promote pupils'spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Explicit opportunities to promote pupils' development in th...

The power of English

It is always a pleasure to meet people from new cultures and countries, however, when visitors come to London, it is almost essential for a tourist to be able to speak English. Unf...

Building Integrating Photovoltaic

The depletion of fossil fuels and the increasing awareness of greenhouse harmful effects are turning renewable energies into one of the most suitable alternatives for sustainable de...