Tutor HuntResources Creative Writing Resources

Everybody Has A Book In Them - Have You?

So You Want To See Your Name In Print

Date : 20/06/2013

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Uploaded by : Tara
Uploaded on : 20/06/2013
Subject : Creative Writing

One of the most common ambitions, even amongst those who rarely read, is to write a book. A search on Google turns up an infinite number of courses all promising to turn you into a bestselling author - all for the price of an arm and a leg. Look closer and you will see that many of these creative writing courses are run by people who, themselves, have never been published. Therefore, it`s a case of do what I say, not as I do. Now, I do not make any such fanciful claims - nobody - repeat - nobody, can guarantee you publishing success. The publishing industry is full of variables. How many times have you found yourself picking up a book and wondering how on earth it got published, let alone got to No. 1 in the Sunday Times list? It`s a world full of surprises - not all of them pleasant!

So, from the off, let me make it clear that I cannot work miracles. What I can do, however, is guide you step by step along the rocky road to publication. I can do this because it is a road I have trod many times. With five books already published (two more in the pipeline), a top literary agent and a major publishing house in my camp, I`ve been there and done it. I`ve had the slings and arrows of rejection, as well as the laurels and accolades of success. My books have been published in the UK and across the Commonwealth. There are foreign language editions, large print editions and e-books. There is no sure-fire recipe to success, but there certainly are insider tips that will help raise your MS above the slush pile - and I know them all.

Writing is a solitary business. Sometimes, it`s easy to become discouraged and disenchanted with your work. That`s when a fresh eye is needed and copious amounts of encouragement and inspiration.

Whether face-to-face, on Skype or by dint of email/video tutorials, I am happy to share my skills with you. Let the write-stuff begin!

This resource was uploaded by: Tara