Tutor Hunt

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Introduction to women`s poetry

. 'The poetess accepts that she must display characteristics associated with femininity, such as delicacy, modesty, charm, domesticity...[ she] typically presents a sanitized version ...

Christopher Marlowe

What does Tamburlaine`s speech tell us about the role of women in Marlowe`s work? Women in the oeuvre of Christopher Marlowe do not have a particularly significant role, nor are we ...

To what extent was Augustine's The City of God shaped by his North African background?

Augustine was writing in a high political context. The Christian Roman Empire was wrestling with its Pagan past; Christianity was still trying to establish itself 'in the milieu...

Byron's presentation and representation of 'mobility' in Don Juan

Byron's presentation and representation of 'mobility' in Don Juan The word 'mobility' is used only once in Don Juan, to describe Lady Adeline Amundeville, who features in canto...

Taster Resource

Taster Immunology document B cells begin as stem cells within the bone marrow. They then differentiate into pro-B cells, which become pre-B cells once their receptors begin to beco...

How reliable do you judge Tacitus to be in his depiction of Agrippina in Annals 12-14?

"Looking-glass, Looking-glass, on the wall, Who in this land is the fairest of all?" In Agrippina's case the question should be 'who in the land is the most powerfu...

Scheduling Analysis with Java Modelling Tools

Queueing and scheduling theory have both been extensively dealing with performance measures like response and residence times, uti- lization, throughput and other related metrics. I...

Pictorial Communication

Whilst studying for a BA(Hons) Fine Art Practice I became interested in the use of art and Illustration as a means of communication. Well before human kind could string a few grunts t...

An insight to the fields I specialise in

What/who caused the Cold War? "There are now two great nations in the world, which starting from different points, seem to be advancin...

Reflecting the World: Equality and Diversity in the plays of Shakespeare

The New Zealand government announced controversially last year that Shakespeare was no longer relevant to students and that they would be removing his works from their school curricul...