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Music, Drums & Life: Talent Or Hard Work?

We`re all equally talented. I don`t think that anyone is more talented than you, and I do not believe in `talent` per se. Anyone can do what I or anybody else can, I just believe in h...

The Book of Ruth: What`s My Motivation?

What's the motivation of the author of Ruth? Perhaps we should answer that at the end. Ruth is set in the time of the Judges and, in a non Hebrew bible, is found directly after the ...

Why writing matters

Have you ever been in the position where you have painstakingly researched your essay, spent hours in the library or online piecing together your information, certain you have the cor...

Examining a typology of fire service related anti-social behaviour

Abstract The Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) in England and Wales increasingly works alongside the police and other partners to promote safer communities - a key part of which involve...

Case study HP

Introduction "Seldom is the inevitability of the strategic logic of large-scale corporate change immediately clear to internal and external constituencies and observers." (McKinney, ...

What is the Higgs Boson?

There has been a lot of media hype regarding the `God Particle` over the last year. But there has not been a lot of mention of why this particle is a key in quantum revolution. For th...

Critically evaluate recent research on the role of polymorphisms of 5HT transporter gene

Depression and Anxiety are highly prevalent, debilitating disorders and twin studies reveal genetic components are involved (Kendler et al, 2008). Identifying candidate genes in the a...

Robert Frost Analysis

Anytime we make a spur of the moment decision we later find that we made a propitious selection or we regret it. In "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost seems to be showing that the ...

The Real Big Bang

When Edwin Hubble looked out into the Universe in the 1920s he saw that ALL (except Andromeda) the galaxies were racing away from us! More than that he saw that the further away a gal...

Blended Learning - Education In The Future?

In a recent issue of 'Wired' magazine, Daphne Koller (cofounder of the online-learning platform Coursera) expressed concern about the lack of educational capacity in many countries. ...