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Cognitive thinking patterns in psychology

Exam Question on Cognition June 20 10 a) Outline one piece of research into criminal thinking patterns? (10 marks) b) To what extent does the cognitive approach provide an explan...

Art essay about the Renaissance, completed at Eton Summer School

The strong conscious awareness of the growth and movement into something new was the unique characteristic of the Renaissance era. The origins of this realisation are centred in ancie...

Art Essay completed at Eton Summer School

For many people, the High Renaissance in Rome symbolises a time of challenges and difficulties; during this period, the people in Vatican City became disheartened by the attacks from ...

Hard Choice

Hard Choice. Headache for all parents - making independent choice for our children. How many times we parents are presented with dilemma of deciding what is good for ...

Is simply getting good grades enough?

With thousands of university places being cut, it is more competitive than ever to get into higher education. Many intelligent students are finding themselves without a university pla...

Comprehensive Voice Warm-Up and Devlopment

This routine can be performed simply as a comprehensive voice warm up or as an exercise to develop your voice further. Warm up physically Anything to get you muscles warm and...

A2, AS and GCSE History

Tuition can be given on a vast range, to name a few: - British History since 1750, specialising in the economic, political and imperial spheres. Typical subjects may include Britai...

An Invitation Into Joseph`s Mind - Algebra

Hello. From time to time I`m asked to tutor KS3 students, and basic algebra is a topic which often comes up. It provides an good example of the methods I use to teach. A typ...

The Court Room

The 25th of April was like any other; wet, foggy and the north east wind was painfully cold. The clouds were dark and pregnant and the skies were threatening to pour. Something caught...

It`s the First Impressions that Count

With my generation (born in the mid-`80s), the UK school system had a bit of an experiment. Methodologies were changed, prioritising the importance of ideas over the teaching of corre...