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Anarchism is closer to liberalism than it is socialism" Discuss.

"Anarchism is closer to liberalism than it is socialism" Discuss. [45] To establish whether anarchism is more similar to either liberalism or socialism we must understand the extent ...

What works in one subject might not work in another

My little bit of giving back. We know that our subjects aren`t all the same, don`t we? It is for instance obvious that preparing for an Art exam is different to a History one. Let...

Model View Controller architecture and simple web services for PHP

This web 2.0 application architecture works with a non-monolithic controller and data model. That is they are split among multiple files and classes just like views and web services. ...
M Tyeb

Fabrication of Quantum Dots and their use in Photodiodes...

The semiconductor quantum dots like CdSe are small clusters of one material capped in another whose electron hole pairs are confined throughout the spatial arrangement of the particle...

IELTS Writing task 2

Question - In many countries schools have severe problems with students` behaviour. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? Causes 1) Lack of str...

Race in 1960s British cinema

Introduction This dissertation will investigate how British cinema in the 1960s reflected British people`s opinions on black people, whether they were politicians, journalists, imm...

Cracking the mental block

(For the purposes of the article the name of this pupil has been altered.) Background Wendy was a happy 8 year old with excellent parental support. At school she was working at the...

Selection of reviews

But equally it is a credit to Weldon`s balanced conception, and Helen Millar`s performance, that this is not an Emma we can necessarily identify with. Millar manages all the raging, s...

Music, a Must for a Well-Rounded Education

Introduction There is a countless number of benefits in learning music. Many of them have been scientifically proven. Music learning covers many physical and psychical assets: B...

Arabic-English Ambiguity

Every language is Sui Generis, i.e. a new version of life or a new window to the world. Arabic is unique; it has its own features and characteristics such as parsing, duality, inter-s...