Tutor Hunt

Resources (page 13)


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What is an Organic Compound?

Organic compounds are simply defined as compounds that contain carbon. We then ask, why is an entire branch of Chemistry devoted to the study of carbon-containing compounds? We study ...

Jim Callaghan: A Successful Prime Minister?

Callaghan faced what could arguably be described as some of the toughest times any Prime Minister has had to face post-war. Having held the three leading Cabinet posts (Home Secretary...

Embodying the inquiry: Disaster, affectivity, and the localized politics of security

AbstractThe responsibilizing of civil society for security has been well analysed in recent years, but the place of the public inquiry as an important site of negotiations over issues...

British terrorism preemption: Subjectivity and disjuncture in Channel “de-radicalization” interventions

AbstractThis article examines Channel “de-radicalization” interventions, which take place on individuals suspected of having the potential to commit terrorist crimes. Situated wit...

Is language acquisition determined by nature?

Language has an unimaginable importance in our life, from having the potential to save lives to bridging the the gap between different cultures and regions of the world. From a young ...

Whats is Hoshin Kanri?

Hoshin Kanri - This Strategic Execution Model - For Visonary Company - 1% Vision - 99% Execution - What is Hoshin Kanari - Hoshin - Direction - Kanri - Administation Hoshin Ka...

Exploring the World Through Sociology: A Journey of Understanding

Exploring the World Through Sociology: A Journey of UnderstandingSociology, often regarded as the study of society and human behavior, is a captivating discipline that offers profound...

What is Sociology

Exploring the World Through Sociology: A Journey of Understanding. Sociology, often regarded as the study of society and human behavior, is a captivating discipline that offers profou...

Top YouTubers and websites to use for exams

These are my top 3 Resources to use for Biology: lt;/p>For students who like mind maps and condensed notes I suggest use Tailored Tutors. He uses mind maps and flow charts with lots o...

What are prime numbers?

 ;prime number is a whole number greater than 1 whose only factors are 1 and itself. The first ten primes are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29. It should be noted that 1 is ...