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Contextualisation in Chemistry: What does it mean to students?

Chemistry is a subject that underpins the fundamentals principles of many related scientific areas including for example, pharmacy, life sciences, sport science and nutrition. Much ...

Presenting yourself with confidence.

One thing that often causes your heart beat to quicken and slowly raise your anxiety levels is being asked to given a presentation, even the most accomplished professional speakers wi...

Do as I say, not do as I do.

Do As I say . not as I do. Frank Lee looks at the politics of development and under-development. '' . countries which got ric...

Mary Shelley`s Monstrous Sublime

Mary Shelley's monstrous sublime The monstrosity of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein has been interpreted in many ways since its publication in 1818. The significance of this is that de...

Identify a Best Sourcing Pattern for Ford

1. Executive Summary Ford Motor Company created Automotive Components Holdings, LLC (ACH) Interiors business in 2005. Considering Ford's long-term strategy, managing the plants as in...

Is it more difficult to learn English in Liverpool?

On first arriving in Liverpool, many international and Erasmus students are taken aback by the local dialect and accent. "This is not the English that we learnt in school", they say. ...

Dr Paul Sander

Paul was a principal lecturer in psychology at the University of Wales Institute, Cardiff where he worked for 16 years before retiring to live in México. He has taught psychology at...

Empiricism, Science and Early Greek Philosophy

ln this essay I will explore the Greek roots of the empirical tradition from a historical perspective, in order to establish the nature of the methodologies employed and the type of h...

Sharknado is Good

Every year there are countless films produced with no money and sold as `so bad they`re good`. They are typically horror movies, or bad comedies, and most of them we will never see be...

Advice on the presentation of English Coursework

Advice on the presentation of English Coursework The easier your essay is to read, the better; and any distraction caused by unusual or awkwardly sized type is worth avoiding. Cho...