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my A level report on the lymphatic system and its function

One of the most important systems in the human body is the lymphatic system. Composed of an extensive network of vessels spread all throughout the body, the lymphatic system is respon...

How does D.H. Lawrence present different aspects of love in his novels?

'Women In Love' In 'Women In Love' there is less of a focus on familial relationships, as are prominent in 'Sons and Lovers', and more analysis of conventional romances of coup...

LEGO 'System of Play'

Lego has undoubtedly changed throughout the years. Its reality has shifted beyond recognition and yet it has maintained the sheen of its most powerful, core premise. Creative freedom...

Dead Dad by Ron Mueck 1996-7 Silicone and Acrylic

"With unfailingly strict attention to detail, perspective and scale," ( Rosenthal et al; 1998; 203) Ron Mueck, is perhaps the most academically trained of all the YBA's. Mueck origi...

Is Sight Sovereign of the Senses?

`Sight is the sovereign of the senses.` Is it? In his Ways of Seeing, John Berger states that `the faculty of touch is like a static, limited form of sight` as if it were a given....

Is Life Worth Living?

Is life worth living? In a genre that is fundamentally based on human suffering, misery and despair, this query is one that often hangs in the tragic air, implicitly if not explicitly...

Truth cannot exist - part 2

On one level, the painting is not particularly noteworthy: it is a sixteenth century, half-length portrait of a woman painted in what is traditionally considered a representational st...

Truth cannot exist - part 1

Truth cannot exist. If I pursue a truth on my canvas I can paint a hundred canvases with the same truth, which one, then, is the truth? And what is truth - the thing that acts as my ...

Decadence in English (and French) Literature - Part 3

However, when artificiality is forced upon an individual, the reality of multiple personae is far less glamorous. In a letter written to Philip Houghton in February 1894 Wilde admi...

Decadence in English (and French) Literature - Part 2

Indeed, the dress and personality of Wilde support Baudelaire`s statement: Wilde`s immaculate, lavish apparel reflects his refined aesthetic tastes and his highly fastidious discrimin...