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The `Man of Feeling` in Eighteenth-Century English Literature

'.the sympathetic responses of the man of feeling, while giving opportunity for otherness to manifest itself, also help to maintain social hierarchy and existing power structures' (Il...

`The American Dream` in `The House of Mirth` and `The Great Gatsby`

George Tindall and David Shi state that the 'United States in the 1900 was on the threshold of modernity.' It had been relentlessly transformed since 1800 from a largely rural and a...

Basic Life Saving Skills - Start it young...

Objective To determine if a first aid teaching program including 5 lessons (45 min each) of theoretical and practical training for 6-7-year-old children can influence their perform...

Eleven Plus Tuition

With under 1500 places available in Birmingham and West Midlands grammar schools, what can you do to make sure YOUR child is one of the "lucky" ones? The competition to get your ch...

Modern developments in international law and the notion of state sovereignty

The past decades have revolutionised the way we see the world in many aspects. That change has not gone unnoticed in international law - it has serious consequences for States. In thi...

Getting Reluctant Readers To Read...

Being able to read is one of the most important skills a human learns and is vital for ensuring success in everyday life. However, children often find learning to read `boring` and ma...

How can we work out the relationships between animal phyla? Why might we care?

The categorisation of all living matter is organised into the tree of life; this describes the pathway of evolution and how animals are related to each-other. The Kingdom Metazoa (ani...

Pleiotropic effects of HLA-DQ mutation in predisposition to T1 diabetes mellitus and celiac disease

Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) is a region on chromosome 6. There are 224 identified gene loci (of which 128 are protein coding) meaning that HLA has the highest gene density of any ge...

Biotechnological function of Vespa Orientalis wasp cuticle

Biological/biotechnological function: The cuticle acts as a biological solar cell, converting light energy to electrical energy. Under experimental conditions, voltages of several ...

Why a dogs bite is worse than its bark...?

Every year 55,000 people worldwide die from the rabies virus. Rabies is an enzootic virus, prevalent in certain animal populations mainly within Asia and Africa. However, it is also a...