Tutor HuntResources Eleven Plus Resources

Eleven Plus Tuition

Interested in a grammar school place in Birmingham

Date : 03/06/2014

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Uploaded by : Tosin
Uploaded on : 03/06/2014
Subject : Eleven Plus

With under 1500 places available in Birmingham and West Midlands grammar schools, what can you do to make sure YOUR child is one of the "lucky" ones?

The competition to get your child into a grammar school is the same every year.ferocious! And 2015/2016 won't be any different.

Why? Because grammar schools are widely oversubscribed.

I've known parents to start preparing their child for the exams years in advance, a good strategy by the way. For some "getting in" would feel like winning the lottery.

But have you noticed that hardly anyone talks about it?

It's like a dirty little secret they want to keep to themselves, which is understandable. Your child is not just trying to do the best he/she can, but is in competition with literally tens' of thousands of others where only the top percentile get the prize.

I'm a parent myself. I completely get it. Securing a place at a really good grammar school is a top priority for us.

It's a way to ensure our children get a good start in life. In order to get into a good university they need to go to a good school. And with the economy the way it is, private school is often out of the question so you have to give your child as much help as possible to pass the 11 plus.


Do you know your child could pass the exam and still not get into your first or even second choice school?

Can you imagine that? All that effort you put into getting them to study, learn and prepare. Then you have to explain "you did good... just not good enough!"

You see, schools offer places to those with the highest marks first, those who don`t get an offer go onto a waiting list ranked in descending score order then to whoever lives closest to the school.

That's why, If you`re going to secure one of those coveted places, you HAVE to get a tutor that understands your child, is confident in their abilities and has a proven track record for helping children excel.

This resource was uploaded by: Tosin