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Writing a University Personal Statement

1. Scrap any items that are trivial, too personal, or really not relevant to your university course. 2. Link facts about your experience to the values and skills learned. 3. Lan...


Q: In a seminar, the ratio of the number of men to the number of women was 2:3. On the following day, two more men attended the seminar. The ratio became 5:6. How many participants we...

The emancipation of women in Russia

Chapter 1-Terrorism and 'Feminism': The movement before the 1905 Revolution. Linda Edmondson gives a concise overview of the period that will be covered in this study (c.1860-1917). ...


Because, in the short distance from the north to the south of Navarra (Navarre), you can enjoy a Kingdom of Diversity. Check it out for yourself. Close your eyes, listen to the sou...

Anti-realism and the Ontological Argument

Both Anselm's and Descartes' Ontological arguments, regarding the existence of God, have allegedly been refuted, most notably by Kant and his 'Critique of Pure Reason'. However, the o...

Evaluate the significance of Magna Carta in the thirteenth century.

Evaluate the significance of Magna Carta in the thirteenth century. Magna Carta finds its significance within its context- the England of King John. Yet the charter should be regar...

Values of Person Centred Care

Person-centred is about providing care and support that is centred or focused on theindividual and their needs. We are all individual and just because two people might have the same m...

If power is as pervasive as some philosophers suggest, is freedom merely an illusion?

The question of whether or not freedom is an illusion because of the pervasive nature of power depends greatly on the accepted definition of both freedom and power. I am going to argu...

What is a priori justification, and how, if at all, is it possible?

A priori justification is essentially justification for a belief that is independent of experience i.e. based on reason alone. I will be mostly looking at Bonjour's account of how a p...

The Art of the Intro

The introduction can make or break an essay. Nothing puts a reader (or an examiner!) off more than a waffly, rambling introduction, which gives no sense of what the essay is aiming t...