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Primary school places: fewer parents get first choice

England`s first national offer day for primary school places has been marked by a decline in the number of parents receiving their first choice in some parts of the country, as counci...

"Meyerhold and Mayakovsky: Revolution and the first Soviet Play"

Vsevolod Meyerhold and Vladimir Mayakovsky are two legendary names in the realm of Russian and international art frequently associated with the most turbulent period in Russian histor...

C++ Rvalue References Explained

Rvalue references are a feature of C++ that was added with the C++11 standard. What makes rvalue references a bit difficult to grasp is that when you first look at them, it is not cl...

C++ Concurrency Memory Model

Currently multi-threaded C or C++ programs combine a single- threaded programming language with a separate threads library. This is not entirely sound [7]. We describe an effort, c...

Chords a bit of theory

Chords. What are chords and how are they made? Chords are a collection of notes played at the same time; they are made from the notes of the major scale. Lets look at some ch...

Power chords

Power chords can be a very cool addition to your chord library. They consist of only two notes ( without going too deep into music theory - this is the perfect fifth interval). You ...

Using JavaScript to Build High-Performance Network Programs

Node.js - also called Node - is a serverside JavaScript environment (see http:// nodejs.org). It's based on Google's runtime implementation - the aptly named "V8" engine. V8 and N...

Table of maximum transmittable frequencies for accelerometer cables.

Table of maximum transmittable frequencies for accelerometer cables. Cable Capacitance (picoFarads/foot) Cable Length (feet) 16 26 30 42 10 142084 87436 75778 541...

Understanding Java Stack Inspection

Current implementations of Java make security decisions by searching the runtime call stack. These systems have attractive security properties, but they have been criticized as bei...

IPV 6 Addressing

Types of IPv6 Addresses IPv6 addresses are broadly classified into three categories: 1) Unicast addresses A Unicast address acts as an identifier for a single interface. An IPv6...