Tutor Hunt

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Create full band production recordings at home.

The student who wants to learn songwriting and composition faces a major obstacle. He or she could learn to create brilliant songs that have the potential to be really successful in t...

Acting Ability

The voice of the people. 'From the start it has been the theatre's business to entertain people.It need no other passport than fun.' Bertolt Brecht. The first week of rehears...

Consideration (Contract Law)

"The picture [of the doctrine of consideration] is one of incoherence and some uncertainty...The law would be rendered more intelligible and clear if the need for consideration were a...

How Can the Teaching of English be Used to Develop a Wider Cultural Appreciation?

Despite the cultural mix of most twenty-first century schools, the level of cultural awareness or empathy with the wider environment appears to be lacking. During my Phase A teaching ...
Wai Cheung


In general, nothing excites me more than abstract theory/self improvement. Started reading Susan Jeffers 'Feel the Fear and do it anyway' today, thought there are some real gems in th...

conference paper

The industrial sector consumed approximately 98 Exa Joules (EJ) of energy worldwide accounting for 28% of world energy consumption in 2008. World energy consumption growth in 2010 rea...

Newton`s law of motion

Newton`s 1st Law of Motion: Any body which has volume and mass will remain in its initial state until an external force is applied to it. For e.g. If a ball is in motion so it will r...

On the derivation of the Boltzmann equation in Quantum Field Theory: Flat spacetime

In this paper, we analyze in a mathematically rigorous fashion the validity of the Boltzmann transport equation within quantum field theory. We work within the specific model of a her...

Choosing a career - By Cedrick Hobbs

Choosing a career is very important. Always start early, never hesitate, try to gain knowledge in any way possible, rather streetwise or academicaly. If you happen to catch the bus...

How long does it take to learn Spanish?

I can't remember how many times I've been asked this question by anxious students and students-to-be! Truth is there are so many variables (age, motivation, resources, learning strate...