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English Resources (page 8)



How can teachers ensure that their practice facilitates social inclusion

Inclusion in school is important especially as students spend a lot of time in this environment. There will always be students from different socio-economic backgrounds, as well as di...

What are adjectives?

Adjectives. These describe nouns. They tell us about the thing, place, person, object. Adjectives tell us more about the nouns They can come before the noun (to modify that noun) Attr...

What are nouns?

Nouns.Nouns are things, objects, names of people and places. They can also be non-physical like feelings or concepts. Nouns can also be verbs - which makes things a little bit more c...


The linguist had a multi-faceted role. One of the main roles as a linguist is changing the perspective surrounding multilingualism. The mix of attitudes towards multilingualism within...


The discussion and opinions surrounding AAVE/Ebonics were very different. I wasn t aware that Ebonics was classed as its own language. The term Ebonics came about in the 1970 by a g...

Does grammar even matter?

When learning grammar - semi-colons, apostrophes, ellipsis - you might find yourself wondering, why do I even need to know all of this? Some students may even feel that grammar gets i...

How to Write Exceptionally Well Without and Academic Bone In Your Body

We ve all been there. Some of us more often than others! We ve received an assignment or an essay and thought What the hell is this? You don t even know where to start ...

How To Improve My Child’s Writing Skills

Writing is an important form of communication and essential for success in education and adult life. But sometimes, schooling isn t enough and children need extra help to develop st...

The importance of the emotional appeal of money in Pride and Prejudice and Persuasion in the light of this statement.

The pursuit of money as spendable income in Pride and Prejudice (Austen, 1813) and Persuasion (Austen, 1818) is represented as unemotional and mercenary. It can be argued that Austen ...

Language Analysis | AQA P1 Q2 | Full Mark Response

Look in detail at lines 24-36. How does the writer use language to describe the bombs going off? [8 marks]It probably had more to do with the hurled bombs, thrown down by humans hidin...
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