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    Geography tutors available near me

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  • 💸 Lessons from £15 /hr

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Here you can browse our top 10 Geography Tutors located in Roehampton, we have ordered our results by proximity to Roehampton town centre. Tutor Hunt is a great place to search local Roehampton Geography Tutors. To make contact with any of Tutor Hunt members you must register an account with us. If you wish to search deeper such as refining teaching level from primary level through to a level, please use the search box above to find your perfect Geography tutor!

Roehampton Geography Tutors
5 (24 students)
PGCE Secondary education (Geography)
£54 - £72
/ hr
Feedback from my son was that he got more out of a lesson with her than he did out o Experienced qualified Geography teacher that has been delivering online lessons fo...
United Kingdom, London (5.3 miles from centre)
Repeat Students
Hours Taught
15 miles
< 19 hours
Member for
11 years
5 (2 students)
PGCE Secondary Geography
£56.25 - £62.5
/ hr
My last A2 Geography class gained 100% A*- B grades. 5 students out of 19 achieved A* grades, with one achieving full UMS marks. I also have experience in tutoring and...
South Croydon, London (13.6 miles from centre)
10 miles
< 3 hours
Member for
8 years
5 (7 students)
PGCE Geography
/ hr
Fully qualified Geography teacher with 12 years of teaching experience at both GCSE and A- Level (including Oxbridge Candidates). AQA GCSE Examiner Taught across Edex...
Cobham, Surrey (12.1 miles from centre)
Repeat Students
Hours Taught
5 miles
Member for
8 years
5 (1 students)
MA Geography
/ hr
1 in their BA whilst another just got into their university of choice to study costume design. Over the past decade, I have helped many students through the UCAS appli...
London, London (14.9 miles from centre)
10 miles
< 2 days
Member for
11 years
5 (1 students)
BSc Geography with Quantitative Methods
£62.5 - £87.5
/ hr
I began tutoring as at a local secondary school while at university, teaching groups of up to 5 GCSE pupils at a time. This involved vigorous training with a well know...
London, london (4.4 miles from centre)
5 miles
Member for
5 years
5 (3 students)
PGCE PGCE Geography
/ hr
I`m a very successful geography teacher currently working as a head of department and borough subject lead in west London. By sharing my passion and enthusiasm for geo...
Kingston-upon Thames, Surrey (5 miles from centre)
Hours Taught
5 miles
Member for
5 years
5 (2 students)
BSc Geography
£75 - £100
/ hr
I am therefore happy to support students having to produce original essays and research. I have tutored a variety of students, please see below for a snapshot of my ex...
London, London (7.6 miles from centre)
Hours Taught
10 miles
Member for
7 years
QTS PGCE Secondary Mathematics
£31.25 - £56.25
/ hr
” Organised intervention classes bespoke to the strengths and needs of students during lessons. Responsible for designing Schemes of Learning targeting and focusi...
Middlesex, Middlesex (9.3 miles from centre)
Hours Taught
Home only
Member for
3 years
5 (1 students)
£40 - £45
/ hr
These include: - exam and essay writing techniques (including analysis, evaluation, and revision advice) - application guidance (including UCAS forms, Oxbridge prepara...
London, London (9.7 miles from centre)
8 miles
Member for
7 years
5 (4 students)
PGCE Secondary Geography Teaching
/ hr
She is energising and motivating and my daughter is feeling more confident now about her A Level. Very good tutor with excellent knowledge. Would highly recommend her...
London, London (15 miles from centre)
4 miles
Member for
7 years

Feedback for our tutors in from previous students

"Emily has been tutoring our Son who is in Y11 for the past few months. She has a very cheerful and positive demeanour and has been particularly helpful in preparing for the upcoming mocks. My son finds her methodical , calm approach to learning Geography has really helped his progress. I would certainly recommend Emily as a tutor!"
 Feedback for Emily
"Excellent teacher. Thank you for your help with my children."
 Feedback for kiran
"Ling has been tutoring my son for a number of weeks now . She is enthusiastic, thorough, helpful , and dedicated to achieving results . She has also helped him with confidence and ling demonstrates excellent tutoring skills in the subject of biology"
 Feedback for Ling
"Victoria supported my son with his first year of A level geography. He found the sessions very helpful and always looked forward to seeing her. Victoria is a great teacher - she was able to tailor the material to his learning style and capabilities. In all my interactions with her, I also found her to be flexible, knowledgeable and very supportive. I was very glad for my son to have her help and would highly recommend her."
 Feedback for Victoria
"Tom is an excellent geographer, who is always up to date with geographical events. He has high expectations for his students. Whist he is firm and fair in his dealings with students, he also has a caring approach when required."
 Feedback for Kate
"I have known Samar for 5 years, having been her Form Tutor for the last two years of her secondary education. During that time, I considered her my unofficial captain for our Form Group, such was her reliability and capacity to motivate others. She has a proven track record of coaching young people in sports and a determination to master challenges that I feel prepare her very well for tutoring. She is one of the most generous students I have met, incredibly dedicated to helping others in any way they need. I recommend her wholeheartedly."
 Feedback for Saad

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"I certainly recommend Tutor Hunt. The Service is very professional, and efficient..."
Lashae 2016/02/13