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Psychology Resources (page 9)



Dr Paul Sander

Paul was a principal lecturer in psychology at the University of Wales Institute, Cardiff where he worked for 16 years before retiring to live in México. He has taught psychology at...

Human Nature, Actualisation and the Emerging Self

Carl Rogers (1902-1987) the Humanist is best known for his contribution to therapy. He created client centred therapy also known as Person Centred therapy or Rogerian therapy. Th...

Our Personality - Is It Genetically Inherited or Determined by The Environmental Factors?

The main difference among individuals lies in their personality. One`s personality consists in his/her general profile or in the special combination of psychological traits of charact...


Psychology has always been something that is fascinating to me. You know why? The fact that someone can look at you and notice the tiniest of details about you; after only knowing you...

Psychology and Sociology

Psychology is a broad discipline with many aspects. These include the Social, the Cognitive, Biological and Developmental aspects that influence human behaviour Individual differences...

Re-assessing the Current Assessment Practice of Children with Special Education Needs,

Published as: Lebeer, J., Birta-Szekely, N., Demeter, K., Bohács, K., Candeias, A.A., Sønnesyn , G., Partanen, P., Dawson, L. (2011), School Psychology International,33 (1), 69-92. DO...
Alan (ted)

Arbitary allignment of discovery

Shelter, forming from incidence accumulative to emotional state, such as worry, has a "supposed" purpose. Although the shelter, is indeed required, the form under which it take, is ne...

Do depressed men and women respond similarly to congitive behaviour therapy?

Do depressed men and women respond similarly to cognitive behavior therapy? Thase ME, Reynolds CF 3rd, Frank E, Simons AD, McGeary J, Fasiczka AL, Garamoni GG, Jennings JR, Kupfer DJ...


Schizophrenia: A critical review of biological causal theory past and present. Assumed knowledge: . DSM IV classification of schizophrenia. . Basic brain architecture/function....

The Maryland McDonald's strip hoax

Milgram's obedience revisited: The Maryland McDonald's strip hoax Andy McCarthy (Kent College, Canterbury & Canterbury Christ Church). 2012 Relevance: Social Influence and ...
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