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Philosophy Resources (page 8)



Am I a bare locus?

In considering the development of theories of personal identities various different approaches have been taken. One of the common starting points for this study has been the explorat...

Does democracy pose a problem for liberalism?

Introduction The conjunction of the democratic ideal and political liberalism influences much of modern political thought. I will highlight the tension between these ideas and sh...

Should I be Howard Hughes or Mother Theresa?

Introduction This question raises several lines of enquiry that need investigation, including what it means to be equal, what defines how well a life goes, and whether comparisons wi...

Am I Only One Person?

Personal identity has been one of the most commonly debated topics in the history of philosophical thought, the question of what it is that makes the `me` who existed when I was born...

What is knowledge?

Do Gettier Cases Show that Knowledge is not Justified True Belief? Mark received: 68 (high 2:1) Plato is often credited as being the father of the notion of Justified True Belie...

Hume`s Standard of Taste

Has Hume Succeeded in Establishing a Standard of Taste? Reading Philosophy, Summative Essay Mark received: 70 (First) Although Hume`s "Of the Standard of Taste" was written in ...

Plato Theory of Ideas

What is the ultimate reality of the world? As per the great thinker and Philosopher Plato, Ideas are the ultimate realities. In this world, there are lots of particular things but if...

Is free will an illusion?

The atomistic view of time distorts reality. When followed to its logical conclusion it entails determinism in which everything and everyone are cogs in an immense machine. It overloo...

Can the paradoxes of confirmation (ravens and grue) be solved by appeal to degrees of confirmation?

Can the paradoxes of confirmation (ravens and grue) be solved by appeal to degrees of confirmation? 1. Introduction In this essay I will argue that the paradoxes of confirmation can...

Key concepts: validity and soundness

Validity and soundness are features of inferences, or derivatively, arguments. So, for example, we say that the following inference is valid: 1. All men are mortal; 2. Socrates ...
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