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History Resources (page 23)



Montefiore and the Stalin Conspiracy File

This is a critical review of Montefiore`s biography covering Stalin`s early years. I argue that Young Stalin is thoroughly and deliberately under-researched. Montefior...

Was Britain a democracy by the end of the nineteenth century?

Whether Britain was a true democracy by the end of the nineteenth century is hard to determine, as the definition of democracy is; 'A system of government by the whole population'. Th...

Gender issues in Early Modern England

In 1610 James I patronized parliament by asserting his authority through his position of Parens Patraie, illustrating the popular contemporary notion of the father as unquestioned rul...

Tea with Teddy: Booker T. Washington and Theordore Roosevelt

At the height of Booker T Washington's fame, he received possibly his greatest honour - an invitation to dine at the White House on October 17, 1901, with the President, Theodore Roos...

arabic language

Arabic is the national language of 25 countries extending along the southern and eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea and the rims of the Red Sea and Persian Gulf. (See map below.) ...

Russia`s Defining Period

At the time that Ivan Grozny crowned himself tsar in 1547 he vowed to make Russia a united country under the command of a mighty ruler. To accomplish this, he recognized several weak...

What works in one subject might not work in another

My little bit of giving back. We know that our subjects aren`t all the same, don`t we? It is for instance obvious that preparing for an Art exam is different to a History one. Let...

Race in 1960s British cinema

Introduction This dissertation will investigate how British cinema in the 1960s reflected British people`s opinions on black people, whether they were politicians, journalists, imm...

A2, AS and GCSE History

Tuition can be given on a vast range, to name a few: - British History since 1750, specialising in the economic, political and imperial spheres. Typical subjects may include Britai...

Muted Memories: Gendering the Memory of the French Resistance

Through analysis of a range of oral testimonies and written memoirs this dissertation analyses gendered patterns in the memories of French resisters during the Second World War. The ...
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