Tutor HuntResources Creative Writing Resources

A Matter Of Expression

Personal Artists Statement

Date : 05/06/2020

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Uploaded by : Victoria
Uploaded on : 05/06/2020
Subject : Creative Writing

A Matter of Expression

What is the language of art? Where is the language in art?

I articulate work through language documenting after each making session an instinctive rejoinder, but nothing accesses creative acumen like picking up a tool. Dubuffet believed that painting and image making is a more powerful medium than the written word, that painting provides connections to the human condition that are stronger than in language.

It would be an arrival into a new and exciting format to concede to Dubuffet. I wish it to be so that painting is the more powerful medium that one needs to make art, but poetry has me captured, that within a poem, one expression can be subordinate to another, an image can be invisible, syntax (texture as rhythm) gives writing its mood and tone as form. How can one ignore these devices that are steps into one s own personal use of language. I have been aware of a strange split between what I say, and my speaking. What is it about my words and voice that makes this a feature and why have I noticed?

Regardless of status, the frontier between painting and literature is a corpus of energy. Not simply in the manner of writing about one s work, but in finding a connection, a device as ground between the two that makes them work for one another.

It is not a question of ideas clothed in artistic form, but rather artistic form created from ideas as its material. Victor Shklovsky. The juxtoposition of content chosen by the artist becomes device if only the artist could conjure more profoundly the hidden engendering that is form. The relationship between the two, form and idea (or content) is to David Hockney, all about the relationship.

Perhaps we should be looking not to the frontier of painting and literature for meaning and purpose, but instead, to the relationship between content (ideas) and dimensions of thought. Creative transformation pertains to an intellectual leap forward of a special kind. It occurs when one transfers an idea (regardless of whether the original idea survives in its exact form during the transfer) from one domain to another. Making art is in the kinesis of thought, an energy inscribed onto the mind forever.

The landscape is a recurrent point for departure, the accompanying of a whole as a system. It is because of desire, a search for the flame, that work manifests.

This resource was uploaded by: Victoria

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