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Leckwith Tutors

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    Leckwith tutors available near me

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  • 💸 Lessons from £15 /hr

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Here you can browse our Leckwith Tutors, we have ordered our results by tutors in Leckwith closest to the town centre first. To view any tutor profile, you can click on the 'display profile' link. To make contact with any of Tutor Hunt members you must register an account with us. If you are seeking private tuition from other locations, please use our search box above. Start searching for your perfect Leckwith tutor today!

Maths, English, Chemistry, Biology...
£37 - £52
/ hr
My plan for the session stem from what works best for the student whether it is going through an entire topic and questions at the end, or having small discussions of...
Cardiff, Wales (0.8 miles from centre)
10 miles
Member for
21 months
5 (2 students)
Maths, Physics, Computer Science
£28 - £32
/ hr
I have a thorough understanding of the different syllabii offered and of examination technique, and I am also able to teach Computing and ICT at Advanced level. I hav...
Cardiff, Wales (0.8 miles from centre)
2 miles
Member for
13 years
Maths, Extended Project Qualification, Further Maths
£67 - £74
/ hr
I have been head of department at schools and college for over ten years. I am active in keeping up to date with current practice, using professional mathematics organ...
Cardiff, Wales (0.9 miles from centre)
Hours Taught
Home only
Member for
6 years
5 (1 students)
/ hr
I`m a passionate enthusiastic and encouraging qualified Maths teacher. I really enjoy tutoring students and seeing the rapid progress they can make with the right supp...
Cardiff, Norfolk (1 miles from centre)
5 miles
Member for
7 years
Piano, Music, Music Theory, Viola...
/ hr
re interested in learning with me. I have taught private pupils of all ages and levels. I am experienced in giving music lessons in Primary Schools for the Musicians&...
Cardiff, Wales (1 miles from centre)
2 miles
Member for
6 years
5 (4 students)
Physics, Chemistry, Biology
£74 - £81
/ hr
Being a successful Head of Science who’ s departments results are amongst the best in the country also demonstrates this. This makes me the perfect choice to help...
Cardiff, Wales (1.1 miles from centre)
Repeat Students
Hours Taught
15 miles
Member for
5 years
Music Theory, Singing, Viola, Violin
£45 - £59
/ hr
I set up and ran my own music course for young string players for several years in Ireland before moving to the UK. I am passionate about working out what drives stude...
Canton, Wales (1.1 miles from centre)
Hours Taught
50 miles
Member for
4 years
5 (13 students)
£30 - £59
/ hr
I believe in helping learners to understand the key concepts of History, so that they can apply this knowledge within an exam environment. I try to immerse learners in...
Cardiff, Wales (1.1 miles from centre)
Repeat Students
Hours Taught
50 miles
< 19 minutes
Member for
7 years
5 (4 students)
Maths, English
£37 - £52
/ hr
I volunteered as a `Schools Plus` tutor for two hours every week, at the Pimento Community Project in London. My role involved helping children from the ages of 5- 11...
Cardiff, Wales (1.2 miles from centre)
1 miles
Member for
9 years
/ hr
During my time in Manchester and London I was a singing teacher at a number of high schools teaching pop, musical theatre and classical. I prepared a lot of my student...
Cardiff, Wales (1.2 miles from centre)
Home only
Member for
5 years
Guitar Acoustic, Guitar Classical, Guitar Electric
£33 - £34
/ hr
I have found this a positive experience as it has provided some level of flexibility and students who have previously travelled to me for lessons appreciate the freedo...
Cardiff, Wales (1.2 miles from centre)
15 miles
Member for
4 years
/ hr
So, with my qualification and experience in tandom, we will develop your English skills through free flowing, yet targeted and focus conversation, where I will listen...
Cardiff, Wales (1.3 miles from centre)
2 miles
Member for
4 years

Feedback for our tutors in Leckwith from previous students

"We had a great one-off class with Jack. He was friendly, professional and well-prepared. He taught clearly and the content was a combination of what we had requested complemented with elements he knew from experience that we would need to learn. We all enjoyed the class and I would highly recommend"
 Feedback for Jack
"Great tutor! So pleased with the progress my daughter has made with Lucía. Her classes are very well planned, stimulating and fun! We will continue classes."
 Feedback for Lucía
"My daughter thoroughly enjoys her lessons with Tutor William! She says that his lessons for History IGCSE exam preparation are engaging, encouraging and leading to significant progress. My daughter now feels very confident about her prospects in the examinations, and her preparations are going very well. Big `thumbs up`!"
 Feedback for William
"Very knowledgeable tutor, able to answer any subject related question, excellent easy explanations of complex concepts. Highly recommend! (A-Level Edexcel, physics and maths)"
 Feedback for Olga
"She`s very good and determined to make students understand what they have to learn. She has been teaching children for a long time, and can also convey information properly with adults. She`s particularly good in Sciences and Mathematics and is also quite friendly with her students."
 Feedback for Nick
"Alfredo is a very responsible person. He has enough knowledge, working experience and motivation to teach. I am able to confirm that with his patience and determination he can teach you whatever, even the most difficult concept. He always finds the right way to teach you something."
 Feedback for Nia
"Sarwat is very professional, she plans the English lesson which she has been hosting for 3 years now meticulously, and she is very focused on how she approaches each lesson. We find that this makes a huge difference. We find Sarwat extremely approachable and and I have really opened up to her. She maintains this demeanour with utmost professionalism. We appreciate Sarwat’s services so much we decided to request private lessons from her to some of our siblings. These lessons have been hosting for 2 years now. Sarwat is a fantastic tutor, she possesses all the key requirements that a tutor should possess in order to thrive in their job. I would highly recommend Sarwat to anyone. I don’t think we can remember a time where Sarwat has been unprofessional or Unreliable. She is an asset to any team she joins."
 Feedback for Pamela

Customer Satisfaction based on 420 reviews
"I certainly recommend Tutor Hunt. The Service is very professional, and efficient..."
Lashae 2016/02/13
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