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Here you can browse our top 8 History Tutors located in Glasgow, we have ordered our results by proximity to Glasgow town centre. Tutor Hunt is a great place to search local Glasgow History Tutors. To make contact with any of Tutor Hunt members you must register an account with us. If you wish to search deeper such as refining teaching level from primary level through to a level, please use the search box above to find your perfect History tutor!

Glasgow History Tutors
Eleni Anna
5 (10 students)
QTS Qualified Teacher Status
£24 - £30
/ hr
- Experienced in teaching pupils in secondary schools to achieve desired levels in exams. - Skilled in making and adapting resources tailored to students` level. - Exp...
Glasgow, Scotland (3 miles from centre)
Repeat Students
Hours Taught
3 miles
< 6 hours
Member for
4 years
5 (19 students)
MA International Relations and International Security
£25 - £36
/ hr
May 2020 MA in International Relations (International Security Track) GPA: 8. 6/10, Awarded with the Judicium Summa Cum Laude. Courses: European Security Discourses, E...
Glasgow, Scotland (3 miles from centre)
Repeat Students
Hours Taught
Home only
< 4 hours
Member for
3 years
5 (3 students)
MA Music (MA)
/ hr
I have experience coaching individuals online in a variety of music- related subjects and qualifications, including GCSE and A- Level exams, as well as ABRSM Theory. A...
Glasgow, Scotland (2.2 miles from centre)
Repeat Students
Hours Taught
20 miles
< 5 minutes
Member for
6 years
5 (3 students)
MA Curating Contemporary Art
£31.25 - £50
/ hr
My writing, both in Spanish and English, gets regularly published and I collaborate with political analysis magazine CTXT, whose honorary president is Noam Chomsky. I...
Glasgow, Scotland (2 miles from centre)
Repeat Students
Hours Taught
2 miles
< 8 minutes
Member for
4 years
5 (9 students)
BA Philosophy
/ hr
ethics, and Ancient Greek philosophy. If you at university and are struggling with certain philosophy papers, I can provide short summaries to help break down and simp...
Glasgow, Scotland (0.4 miles from centre)
Repeat Students
Hours Taught
10 miles
Member for
5 years
5 (1 students)
BA English
/ hr
I have a degree in English Literature from the University of Bristol and have been teaching English for the past three years, including several months as the Assistant...
Glasgow, Scotland (2.4 miles from centre)
5 miles
Member for
6 years
5 (1 students)
MSc Arabic Language
£20 - £35
/ hr
I am comfortable working with students of any age. I have further experience working with very young children through experience as a classroom assistant at Soho Paris...
Glasgow, Scotland (1.8 miles from centre)
3 miles
Member for
11 years
MA English Literature
£10 - £15
/ hr
Drove to their house by motorbike. Worked on improving History and Georgraphy at Standard Grade equivalent level. Weekends (Sat & Sun) at flexible times. May be able t...
Glasgow, Scotland (4.1 miles from centre)
8 miles
Member for
9 years

Feedback for our tutors in from previous students

"We have past 4 lessons with Zeyang and he seems to be a committed tutor and my son is happy."
 Feedback for Zeyang
"I have had a few lessons with Victoria now and I can say that I have thoroughly enjoyed them. She tutors to a very high standard, providing and catering to my educational needs."
 Feedback for Victoria
"Helpful, considerate and very friendly tutor!"
 Feedback for Harley
"James has been an excellent inspiration to my son, and he offers very flexible, well considered and interesting sessions on a wide range of Historical topics and periods. Our target was to boost my son`s A`Level expected grade, and this was achieved successfully. In addition James has helped him appreciate and practice to some of the essay writing and analytical skills expected as part of an undergraduate degree course. These skills have not only helped his A`Level studies, but are preparing him for University."
 Feedback for James
"Although I have not known Stephanie long, as she only joined our school this academic year I have been so impressed by her passion and talent for both teaching and History. Students talk about her lessons with enthusiasm and excitement and Stephanie constantly speaks highly of them. In my capacity as Head of Year 10, I have particularly seen her excel as a Year 10 tutor on my team. She sets high expectations, builds really effective relationships with her tutees and goes above and beyond to help students that are struggling either personally or academically. Could not recommend her highly enough."
 Feedback for Andrea
"Zargham displayed excellent classroom management skills in a whole class environment and great dedication within a 1:1 scenario with our more disengaged students. He was very flexible and resilient in an often unpredictable place of work."
 Feedback for PAULA

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"I certainly recommend Tutor Hunt. The Service is very professional, and efficient..."
Lashae 2016/02/13