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    Chemistry tutors available near me

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  • 💸 Lessons from £15 /hr

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Here you can browse our top 10 Chemistry Tutors located in Becontree, we have ordered our results by proximity to Becontree town centre. Tutor Hunt is a great place to search local Becontree Chemistry Tutors. To make contact with any of Tutor Hunt members you must register an account with us. If you wish to search deeper such as refining teaching level from primary level through to a level, please use the search box above to find your perfect Chemistry tutor!

Becontree Chemistry Tutors
5 (13 students)
PGCE Professional Graduate Certificate in in post compulsory education
£56.25 - £62.5
/ hr
My charges are fully- inclusive (with no hidden extras) and come with the assurance that you are being served by a full- time, professional tutor with 20 years of expe...
Dagenham, Essex (0.6 miles from centre)
Repeat Students
Hours Taught
20 miles
Member for
12 years
/ hr
- I began my teaching career at an `Outstanding` school in outer London that specialised in STEM subjects as well as teacher training. I was able to gain valuable expe...
Ilford, Essex (3.2 miles from centre)
Home only
< 2 days
Member for
10 years
PGCE PGCE Secondary Chemistry
£19 - £31.25
/ hr
I can offer tuition in the following areas: - Primary Education (Key Stages 1 and 2) - Key Stage 3 Maths and Science - GCSE Maths, Biology, Chemistry - A Level Biolog...
Barking, Essex (1.6 miles from centre)
Repeat Students
Hours Taught
5 miles
< 6 hours
Member for
6 years
Muhammad I H
PGCE PGCE in Chemistry
£31.25 - £37.5
/ hr
I love my subject and I am passionate about helping my students achieve the absolute best. I have held a QTS (Qualified Teacher Status) for 9+ years. In that time, I...
Dagenham, Essex (1.3 miles from centre)
Home only
Member for
19 months
£19 - £30
/ hr
I felt as a tutor it was not only my job to teach the students, but to guide them and help them find enjoyment within the topics so they carry it on in further educati...
Barking, Essex (1.8 miles from centre)
10 miles
Member for
15 months
Haytham ali
5 (4 students)
BSc Cardiovascular Science
/ hr
I believe in consistency and pushing my students to their maximum capabilities. In 2019 I achieved All Grade 9s at GCSE and went on to get A*A*A in my a- levels in 202...
Romford, Essex (2.7 miles from centre)
Repeat Students
Hours Taught
Home only
< 7 hours
Member for
2 years
5 (1 students)
BSc Biomedical Science
£25 - £31.25
/ hr
I`m a self- motivated and dedicated all- rounder. I enjoy my academic studies and enjoy the rewards of helping struggling students be the best they can be. I`m qualifi...
Ilford, Essex (1.7 miles from centre)
Repeat Students
Hours Taught
20 miles
Member for
5 years
5 (4 students)
£125 - £187.5
/ hr
He did so much better in his GCSEs than we expected. He was on track for Ds and Es and managed to get nearly all A*- B! Imagine what Umar could`ve achieved if we`d fou...
Ilford, Essex (1.8 miles from centre)
Repeat Students
Home only
Member for
9 years
BSc Psychology (Hons)
£19 - £25
/ hr
My professional background is administration, customer service and IT related marketing. I have worked as a teaching assistant in a primary school as well as a local...
Ilford, Essex (2.8 miles from centre)
Repeat Students
Hours Taught
Home only
Member for
3 years
£16 - £25
/ hr
I believe in laying strong foundations for ongoing learning, ensuring a fulfilling and successful academic journey I`ve gained valuable teaching experience working wit...
Ilford, Essex (2.6 miles from centre)
Repeat Students
Home only
Member for
4 years

Feedback for our tutors in from previous students

"Exceptional teacher and mentor, the student has shown signs of improvement within a month."
 Feedback for Tahira
"Steve taught our daughter in preparation for Chemistry GCSE. His very caring, reassuring, calm and methodical approach was everything she needed to build confidence and competence in this subject. Steve is an extremely helpful, reliable and outstanding tutor. His attention to detail in the exceptional notes he provides show his dedication and certainly motivated and enabled our daughter to progress to top level grade. It has been a pleasure to work with him and we couldn`t recommend him more."
 Feedback for Steve
"Nice and encouraging to speak to, teaches differently to school teachers and helps me understand concepts way better."
 Feedback for Rosie
"Peter, He’s a great tutor, explains things clearly and in detail, provides great feedback on questions and will research any questions asked to give a thorough answer. I would highly recommend Peter my Neice thought he was great. I spoke with him too & he was clear with his feedback, this was not purely about the money. He turned up on time for classes & replied to queries. There was none of that cancelling last minute. Thank you so much Peter, you were brilliant."
 Feedback for Peter
"Punit is an extremely talented tutor who is determined to help his students. My daughter`s grades have improved massively since she started with Punit. He makes science very interesting and that way my daughter learns and doesn`t find the subject boring. He intertwines the combination of knowledge and enjoyment very well. My daughter passed her exams with flying colours after taking tuition with Punit."
 Feedback for Angela
"I would be highly confident in recommending Simi to tutor any aspect of the 3 sciences. I believe she would be highly professional and be able to pass on valuable skills to the students ."
 Feedback for Archana

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"I certainly recommend Tutor Hunt. The Service is very professional, and efficient..."
Lashae 2016/02/13