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Religious Studies Resources (page 3)



‘Everyone has a conscience’. Assess this view.

Newman and Butler, following from Augustine, both assert that the conscience is a gift from God to man as a means to discerning right action. Butler believed the conscience to be an i...

‘The conscience is a reliable guide.’ Discuss.

Newman and Butler would argue that the conscience is an infallible moral authority and guide. Butler commented had it strength as it had right, had it power as it had manifest auth...

‘Only God can be sufficient reason for the universe’s existence.’ Assess this view.

The statement refers to the cosmological argument and asks whether the cosmological argument sufficiently proves that God is the only reasonable and complete explanation for the fact ...

‘There is a reality beyond what we can see.’ Assess this view.

There are two primary approaches to address the concept of what is real, rationalism and empiricism. Plato was a rationalist, meaning he relied upon reason as a means to discern truth...
Andrew Ka Pok

“One person’s experience cannot prove God’s existence” Discuss.

Q1 e One person s experience cannot prove God s existence Discuss.Sample Answer:God existence can hardly be examined objectively because God is invisible. Religious experience claim...

An evaluation of the relationship between John`s gospel and the synoptic gospels

IntroductionEvaluating the relationship between the Gospel of John and the Synoptic Gospels becomes a necessary exercise when both similarities and differences between the John and ...

Emil Cioran and Oscar Wilde: On Christ and Suffering

By chance or design I will never know, my reading brought me together with two pieces of writings which deals with suffering. In addition to the theme of suffering, these writings eng...

Necessary being? An introduction to cosmological arguments for theism

"All of this needs to come from somewhere, don't you think?' If we asked all theists to give us their reasons for believing in some kind of "Great Watchmaker', I'm pretty sure a good ...

"Critically assess the claim that conscience is a reliable guide to ethical decision making."

"Critically assess the claim that conscience is a reliable guide to ethical decision making."Conscience is widely defined as the inner sense of right and wrong that affects our beha...

The Importance of Resources and Structure

I am the Head of Religious Studies and Philosophy and Ethics department at a large Surrey secondary school. I have expertise and years experience of teaching RS and philosophy at A-le...
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