Tutor HuntResources Maths Resources

Mistakes Are A Good Thing

Date : 06/11/2023

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Uploaded by : Paige
Uploaded on : 06/11/2023
Subject : Maths

Let me tell you about the fantastic maths adventures I`ve been having with my younger primary school student lately! We`ve been diving headfirst into all sorts of maths problems, and our sessions are a mix of teaching, teamwork, and solo missions.

You see, there`s something really magical about the independent work we do. It`s like a playground for your maths skills! It`s where you get to take what we`ve learned and give it a spin, make some delightful mistakes, and, believe it or not, those mistakes are actually pure gold in the world of maths.

Why, you ask? Well, it`s because finding and fixing your own mistakes is like discovering hidden treasure. In our sessions, we have a little motto: "Real mathematicians spot their mistakes!"

But hey, here`s the best part of it all: Nobody, and I mean nobody, is perfect in the world of maths! So, embrace those blunders, learn from them, and remember that even the greatest mathematicians started with a few oopsie-daisies!

This resource was uploaded by: Paige

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