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`nettles` Critical Essay.

Critical essay written in S1

Date : 17/03/2017

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Uploaded by : David
Uploaded on : 17/03/2017
Subject : English

In the poem "Nettles", the poet vernon scannell describes a painful experience. Show how the poet gives us a clear sense both of what happens and the feelings of himself and his young child.In the poem nettles by vernon scannell the poet describes a painful experience when his young son falls into nettles and is badly stung by them. The father comforts the child then he cuts down the nettles and burns them. However not long after he notices that they have grown back thanks to the sun and rain. He feels frustrated and angry about this the pore, deals both with the pain of the poets three year old son and the painful emotions felt by the father.The writer gives a cellar sense of how unpleasant and dangerous the nettles are the writer refers to the nettles as Green spears spears see very sharp and are used as weapons by using this metaphor. Missing info Missing info Missing info Missing info Missing info Missing info Missing info Missing info Missing info Missing info Missing info Missing info Missing info Missing info Missing info. The nettles are compared to soldiers: "regiment of spite" the word "spite" deliberate cruelty and harm. The extended metaphor a battle with the speaker of the poem shows how dangerous they are. A regiment is high let organised that consists of many soldiers that suggests a vast number of nettles which could cause a lot of pain. There is a clear sense of physical pain described in the poem: "sobs and tears" the words "sobs" suggests deep, uncontrollable gasping tears caused by the great pain felt by the little boy. Crying evokes sympathy from his parents as he is so young and fragile. The author mentions he "whit blisters beaded on his tender skin" the word tender means gentle soft and so easily damaged ` listers beaded` is alliteration of the harsh B sound and the word `beaded` describes the round don`t implanted on the young boys skin like little white beads. The poet describes how he and his wife `soothed him till his pain was not so raw` the word raw means an open wound or pain not yet healed `soothed` describes the parents kindness and care for their child its a gentle word to portray that the pain is not as bad with the care of his parents. "At last a watery grin" describes how long it took for him to give them a smile, even though I was through the sobs and tears he was feeling prior and still now. The oxymoron "watery grin" suggests both sadness and some cheerfulness pouring through at the same time. Grin is a synonym for smile which indicates how happy he is. `Watery` suggests tears which are often associated with sadness and unhappiness and an oxymoron is formed when two opposites and used together to make an effective phrase. The poet reacts strongly to keep his son from further harm from the nettles "I ... Honed the blade" the word `honed` means to perfect something. This shows his determination through his perpetration. Another phrase to portray his anger is "slashed in fury till not a nettle in that fierce parade Stood upright" alliteration of all the n`s reinforces that every single nettle is gone. This is a continued metaphor showing the sheer number of flattened nettles. all of this was forced by anger because of what the nettles did to the poets son. The port shows us that a father cannot protect his child`s completely, no matter how hard he tries "but the busy sun and rain had called up tall recruits" the poet is describing this further as if this is a war `but` tells us that there is a change of atmosphere and something had contrasted to prior this also shows us that he can`t stop them from growing, they will grow inevitably. The phrase `sharp wounds` describes great pain and deep wounds, it also shows how sharp and spikes the nettles are. `Sharp` is very harsh used in a very harsh sentence the small use of alliteration is also very effective here. In conclusion the poem is very clear on the pain and emotion felt by both the child And his father empathising for his child . The child`s pain once stung by the nettle and how he felt and emotion seeking sympathy in his father. We also get a good understanding of how the parents really empathised for the child as he is young and his fathers anger at how he can only protect him to a certain extent.

This resource was uploaded by: David

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