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Cooking Tutors Near Me

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    95 Cooking tutors available near me

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  • 🔒 All tutors are Enhanced DBS checked and ID verified
  • 💸 Lessons from £15 /hr

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We have a total of 95 Cooking tutors registered here at Tutor Hunt. Our tutors can teach in-person or through our interactive whiteboard. You can book online Cooking tutors through our lesson scheduling system. We offer local Cooking teachers who can also provide online tuition if you do not wish to travel. Start searching for your perfect Cooking tutor today!

95 Cooking Tutors

5 (5 students)
Cooking, Italian and Maths (Helper)
/ hr
I am a fully qualified Mathematics Teacher with 6 years teaching experience in the classroom and more than 10 years experience of tutoring secondary school students. I...
Home only
< 8 hours
Member for
16 years
5 (13 students)
Biology, Chemistry, Cooking and Urdu (Adult Learner)
/ hr
I am a qualified Science teacher and have been teaching (AQA, OCR & Edexcel) biology/chemistry/applied science to A level, IB, GCSE, iGCSE and degree students for the...
Repeat Students
Hours Taught
20 miles
Member for
12 years
5 (2 students)
Biology, Cooking and French (Mentor)
/ hr
Experienced tutor in Sciences and French. I am a DNA expert and a French native speaker, and can teach to both adults and children.
Repeat Students
Hours Taught
1 miles
Member for
4 years
5 (4 students)
Business Skills, Cooking, Customer Service, English, Health and Social Care, IELTS, Maths and TEFL (Adult Learner)
/ hr
Specialising in IELTS writing part 1, reading, speaking skills. Have lived in Saudi Arabia, Italy, Vietnam, Germany, Bulgaria, Indonesia, Austria, USA, Portugal & Bulg...
Henfield, West Sussex | View English tutors in Henfield
Repeat Students
Hours Taught
10 miles
Member for
2 years
4.5 (4 students)
Acting, Cooking, Creative Writing, Dietary and Nutrition, Drawing, EFL, English, French, Geography,... (Primary)
/ hr
I have been teaching many Business people of Global Companies for big agencies such as Global LT, I also help with Exams, GCSE, Alevel I have a Degree in Literature an...
Repeat Students
Hours Taught
10 miles
< 1 hour
Member for
10 years
5 (5 students)
Biology, Chemistry, Cooking and Maths (Adult Learner)
/ hr
Always welcome tutees who are willing to dedicate their time and effort with tutoring support from me. I believe that in current times, achieving high grades in exams...
Sheffield, South Yorkshire | View Biology tutors in Sheffield
Repeat Students
Hours Taught
12 miles
Member for
9 years
Chemistry, Communication Skills, Cooking, Personal Statements and Project Management (Expert)
/ hr
I have full understanding and knowledge of applying to UK university (higher education) system- so if you need help with selecting your course and university choices,...
10 miles
< 1 minute
Member for
11 months
5 (3 students)
Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Cooking, Environmental Science, Neuroscience, Pathology, Physics a... (Enthusiast)
/ hr
I am a post graduate in Biotechnology and a university level first rank holder. I am a scientific researcher with an experience working in various laboratories in Ind...
Repeat Students
Hours Taught
5 miles
Member for
6 years
Cooking and Psychology (Enthusiast)
/ hr
Hi! I am a kind and understanding individual who is keen to support students. As a student who would have loved to have support and extra guidance, I can empathise and...
Ribbleton, Lancashire
Home only
Member for
2 years
Art, Basic Skills, Cooking, Dietary and Nutrition, EFL, Eleven Plus, English, Handwriting, Maths, Ph... (KS3)
/ hr
Need support to apply for an EHCP (Statutory assessment) I will support parents with applications for any Local Authority (Place note success not guaranteed)
Repeat Students
Hours Taught
10 miles
Member for
2 years
3.5 (7 students)
Basic IT Skills, C Plus Plus, Computer Programming, Computer Training, Cooking, CSS, Database, Hindi... (Adult Learner)
/ hr
; nd testing (JAVA/J2EE Techno; ; lo; ; gies using JSP, Servlets, JDBC, Struts 1. x, Springs Fra; ; mewo; ; rk). Go; ; o...
Repeat Students
Hours Taught
20 miles
< 13 minutes
Member for
12 years
Cooking, EFL, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish (Adult Learner)
/ hr
I am an Italian native speaker also fluent in English, French and Spanish. I have been a language tutor for 3 years with great results. I am qualified to teach Spanish...
Brighton, East Sussex | View French tutors in Brighton
Repeat Students
Hours Taught
3 miles
Member for
4 years
Cooking, Design and Technology, Dietary and Nutrition, Home Economics, PGCE and Woodworking (Degree)
/ hr
Over the past five years, I have had the opportunity to gain experience in a range of skills and key stages. I started my career with a degree in nutrition, which has...
20 miles
Member for
23 months
5 (1 students)
Cooking, French and Spanish (Adult Learner)
/ hr
Translator and Interpreter Bilingual in Spanish since birth. BA Hons Degree. Over 20 years experience. Adult conversation or academic support to children of all ages.
Romsey, Hampshire | View French tutors in Romsey
5 miles
< 23 hours
Member for
10 years
Aviation, Baking, Card Making, Cooking, English, German and Massage (Adult Learner)
/ hr
I am a fully qualified teacher with over 20 years of teaching and tutoring experience within the private and state sectors. My experience stretches from primary, secon...
8 miles
Member for
8 years
Cooking, Drawing and Sewing (Adult Learner)
/ hr
FASHION AND TEXTILES TUTOR I have an enthusiastic,positive,creative and organised approach to teaching. I am very passionate about teaching and always ensure that the...
30 miles
Member for
11 years
Saana Tuuli
Animal Training, Cooking, Finnish, French, Italian and Swimming (Enthusiast)
/ hr
I am moving to Aberystwyth for 6 months from 13th July on. I am Swiss and my mother tongue is French. I have studied at the University of Lausanne and have an MA degre...
8 miles
Member for
6 years
Basic Skills, Cooking, English, Maths and Special Needs (Teacher)
/ hr
A fun, friendly and calm tutor of Maths, English and Life Skills with 7 years experience in SEND with students aged 11 - 25.
2 miles
Member for
3 years
Babysitting, Cooking, Drama, French, IELTS and Media (Helper)
/ hr
I hold a Media and Communications BA from the University of the Arts, London where I graduated with a 1st. I then went on to study at the London School of Economics, w...
10 miles
Member for
7 years
Acting, Cooking, Creative Writing and Maths (Adult Learner)
/ hr
I am very patient, enthusiastic and I enjoy adapting my teaching style to the needs and strength of the student. I graduated from the University of Bristol with a Firs...
8 miles
Member for
4 years

Feedback for our Cooking tutors from previous students

"Zee has been tutoring my son for a few weeks now. He is professional and conscientious and my son has built up a good rapport with him. He has a sound knowledge of current exam requirements and gears his teaching accordingly. Thank you Zee"
 Feedback for Zee
"Excellent tutor, very friendly and both understanding and helpful"
 Feedback for Emma
"very good teacher, highly recommended"
"Umaiyah is very knowledgeable and I find her teaching very informative."
 Feedback for Umaiyyah
"Brilliant tutor. Highly recommended."
 Feedback for Anjhu
"Erica is a really hardworking person, and very supportive. I have personal experience of her helping me in my own work and I would happily recommend her as a great tutor for any student seeking help. She does a lot of extra curricular activities such as choreographing and teaching bhangra (a form of indian dance), and she has gone abroad to Ghana, volunteering with `engineers without borders`. All these activities have required her to work with both adults and children, an experience which is very valuable for this job and also, they have helped her to build on her skills. I therefore believe, along with her caring and supportive nature she will be a very valuable tutor because she will invest her time and energy into making sure her students fully understand the concept that they are b..."
 Feedback for Kodinma
"As a busy worker and mother of three I can`t find the time to help my children with homework. Bernardo is a young and enthusiast tutor. He have been helping my daughter with her primary school works. He is very patient and dedicated, my daughter has Asperger and sometimes she is not very easy."
 Feedback for Nicki
"I met Delta at University 3 years ago, she subsequently became my tutor during my degree and helped me get through my toughest modules. I have every faith that she will be able to help anyone she comes across, to the best of her abilities. Please call if more information is needed."
 Feedback for Samantha

Customer Satisfaction based on 420 reviews
"I certainly recommend Tutor Hunt. The Service is very professional, and efficient..."
Lashae 2016/02/13