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  • 💸 Lessons from £15 /hr

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Here you can browse our top 10 Chemistry Tutors located in Bolton, we have ordered our results by proximity to Bolton town centre. Tutor Hunt is a great place to search local Bolton Chemistry Tutors. To make contact with any of Tutor Hunt members you must register an account with us. If you wish to search deeper such as refining teaching level from primary level through to a level, please use the search box above to find your perfect Chemistry tutor!

Bolton Chemistry Tutors
5 (8 students)
QTS Secondary Education
/ hr
line tuition in GCSE (KS4) and A- Level Chemistry (KS5). I have a BSc (Hons) in Applied Chemistry, MSc with distinction in Analytical Chemistry and Instrumentation, an...
Altrincham, Cheshire (13.9 miles from centre)
Repeat Students
Hours Taught
Home only
< 41 minutes
Member for
7 years
5 (37 students)
PGCE Secondary Science Education
/ hr
Trained and experienced BTEC Applied Science and Engineering teacher at both Level 2 and Level 3. Currently employed as a Lecturer in Physics and Engineering in a lar...
Warrington, Cheshire (11.1 miles from centre)
Repeat Students
Hours Taught
Home only
< 8 hours
Member for
7 years
4.5 (11 students)
PGCE Secondary Science (Chemistry) Education with QTS
/ hr
I am currently studying a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership, I have a National Professional Qualification in Middle Leadership in schools also. I have an underg...
Heywood, none (14.2 miles from centre)
Repeat Students
Hours Taught
2 miles
< 1 hour
Member for
13 years
5 (4 students)
PGCE PGCE (Secondary)
/ hr
level Chemistry in two outstanding sixth form colleges. I am an experienced OCR A- level examiner. I have lived and worked abroad teaching chemistry on the Internation...
Warrington, Cheshire (19.1 miles from centre)
Repeat Students
Hours Taught
Home only
< 8 minutes
Member for
2 years
5 (33 students)
BEd Education Studies and Early Years
/ hr
- 13 years marking GCSE science papers for Edexcel and AQA - 14 years tutoring - Worked for Manchester City academy for 2 years tutoring boys who attend the academy -...
Bolton, Lancashire (3.1 miles from centre)
Repeat Students
Hours Taught
50 miles
< 14 hours
Member for
11 years
5 (33 students)
PGCE Certificate of Education
/ hr
- thorough examination of mark schemes to improve technique - additional questions for completion at student`s home when their confidence has been increased Group Tuit...
Sale, Cheshire (14.1 miles from centre)
Repeat Students
Hours Taught
Home only
< 3 hours
Member for
9 years
PGCE Physics with Mathematics
/ hr
Many of my students go on to study science at A level and enter careers in Engineering, Medicine, and Dentistry. I am passionate about all the subjects I teach, and I...
Manchester, Lancashire (14 miles from centre)
3 miles
Member for
16 months
5 (2 students)
QTS PGCE (Secondary)
£31.25 - £43.75
/ hr
1) 4 years teaching experience in 1- to- 1 settings for GCSE sciences, A- levels biology and chemistry, and University courses through foundation to undergraduate and...
Manchester, Lancashire (15.9 miles from centre)
Repeat Students
Hours Taught
5 miles
Member for
13 years
£50 - £56.25
/ hr
I am a friendly, confident person who loves to make learning fun and effective. I am a fully qualified chemistry teacher currently teaching A level chemistry and have...
Manchester, GreaterManchester (14.6 miles from centre)
2 miles
< 2 days
Member for
2 years
5 (20 students)
PhD Chemistry
/ hr
I have the experience of teaching at different Sixth Form Colleges & Secondary Schools, and as such have a full range of notes, worksheets and past papers. My teaching...
Cheshire, Cheshire (15 miles from centre)
Home only
< 14 hours
Member for
12 years

Feedback for our tutors in from previous students

"Amisha tutored my daughter in Chemistry and Biology for 2 terms prior to her GCSE’s and I am very pleased to say that my daughter gained an ‘A’ in both subjects. My daughter found Amisha friendly and approachable, her subject knowledge is first rate and the sessions were very productive. Amisha would spend an hour with my daughter then chat to me about what they had covered. I always found Amisha very easy to communicate with and she was flexible about arrangements as required. I wholly recommend her services and will happily use her again for my daughter’s A levels if I need to."
 Feedback for Amisha
"We would highly recommend Fergus as a Maths tutor for KS3. He is a well mannered, punctual young man who has an easy rapport with our son."
 Feedback for Fergus
"Richard has a been a great help to our daughter with her A level revision studies. With her exams coming up shortly he has been able to focus upon the bits missed or not understood at school to give her the confidence she needs to achieve her goals."
 Feedback for Richard
"My daughter is 17 years old and in Year 12 studying Chemistry, Maths and Biology. She was struggling with the step up from GCSE to A level and so I sought a tutor for her. Jules stood out as he is a University student and so his age isn`t too dissimilar to my daughter I felt this would mean that she would feel at ease as he would appreciate first hand the current curriculum and school pressures that she was facing. I love saying that I was right! Jules has really helped my daughter talking to her more like a study buddy but one that can understand and explain the subject areas where she is struggling, he is very knowledgeable! He is reliable and even provides notes from the lesson for her to keep, he is a good communicator, friendly and helpful. Excellent value for money, a fabulous role model!"
 Feedback for Jules
"I met Rebecca through working at MPW. She went above and beyond during her time there. The pupils I shared with her commented that she was a great teacher who they liked and respected."
 Feedback for Varsha
"I met Farhana 10 years ago in college. Amongst our friendship group she is the problem solver, because she is always ready to listen and find ways for us all to compromise. But mostly because she is a responsible and trustworthy person. All the attributes that make her a good friend are what make her a good teacher/tutor. I have no doubt that she will be an excellent asset to any organisation."
 Feedback for Charlie

Customer Satisfaction based on 420 reviews
"I certainly recommend Tutor Hunt. The Service is very professional, and efficient..."
Lashae 2016/02/13