Tutor HuntResources Basic Skills Resources

Enjoy Learning

Date : 12/07/2013

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Uploaded by : Jessica
Uploaded on : 12/07/2013
Subject : Basic Skills

If you CAN enjoy learning, it is a SKILL you can keep for life. If you CAN enjoy picking up a book or some other way of getting deeply involved in new information, it will take you a long way. This is simply because the things you are going through as a youth are simply the start. You CAN find coping methods for basically anything you might be finding tricky. Enjoying learning is key. Sometimes, the system around us takes the fun out of learning, it has become boring and just a means to an end. But, can you find a time, away from that environment, and actually learn something interesting for yourself and by yourself? Go and try it. This summer holidays, why not try and read a book for fun, or learn a skill you would like. Or expand on something else you know. Do it for no reason at all. I want you to find learning fun, in some way, then later you can use that feeling and even method when you learn other things.

Self learning is POWERFUL. It`s okay to rely on someone to teach you something, but to be able and willing to learn yourself, to be responsible for your own learning, is a very powerful thing indeed. It means unlimited growth, independence, new ideas, progress. Life never has to be boring. When I say learning is POWERFUL, it can release dependence, it can develop your character in all the ways its supposed to, to emotional maturity too. It can lead to spiritual maturity if you ask the right questions. It doesn`t stop at passing a bunch of exams, that`s great but it`s not who you are. Learning about yourself, analysing who you are, improving yourself, improving character and people skills.

Enjoy learning is about enjoying life too. All the best.

This resource was uploaded by: Jessica

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