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Forget The Interview. Worry About The Cv.

Most students spend so much time fixing their CV that they end up applying to jobs with poor CVs.

Date : 04/02/2013

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Uploaded by : Ian
Uploaded on : 04/02/2013
Subject : Business Studies

We`ve all walked around a museum. The walls are covered with priceless works of art - each with their own unique, and likely brilliant, story. But how many of us stop to admire each and every piece in a museum`s collection? Almost nobody. Rather, we stop and ponder a piece of art when it stands out and makes an impact on us. If it doesn`t, we tend to walk right past it.

The same is true about employers in the recruiting process. Almost every candidate who applies for a given job has an interesting story. Many - maybe most - would make excellent employees and, surely, the company would see that if they took the time to talk to the candidate. But most of the time employers will overlook a CV simply because it doesn`t stand our or make an impact on them.

In short, you won`t ever get to the interview stage if your CV doesn`t stand out to the recruiting manager.

I meet with so many students who want help preparing for interviews - and this is a good thing to prepare for. However, many of these students could stand to dedicate a few hours to really reviewing and improving their CV (or CVs).

The CV is the gatekeeper to future steps in the recruitment process. Yet, it is often considered an afterthought.

In today`s age of electronic recruitment and other mass application events, failure is all but assured without an effective CV. Don`t loose out on the job you want. Get a second opinion on your CV. Make sure it really sings your praises in the right way.

First impressions count. Your CV is your first impression.

(Please contact me if you`d like support on CV/cover letter preparation - or any other component of the recruitment process. I have an intimate knowledge of what works and what doesn`t because I am actively involved in the process at a major multinational company. Don`t take unnecessary risk with your professional image!)

This resource was uploaded by: Ian

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