Tutor HuntResources Business Studies Resources

A New Year, A New Academic Term, A New You

Tutoring Throughout The Term

Date : 28/01/2013

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Uploaded by : Ian
Uploaded on : 28/01/2013
Subject : Business Studies

We all make New Years resolutions. This is the year that we will get in shape. Or travel. Or get that job. For many students, the resolution is: This is the year I will focus on my studies.

Most students also make the same resolution at the beginning of a new academic term. "This time will be different - this time I will dedicate more time to studying!"

Inevitably, though, just like the New Years resolution, the new academic term resolution fades into memory within a few weeks. And, once again, a student finds themselves trying to play catch-up at the end of the term.

As a tutor, I love the end of the academic term. It`s when I get most of my business, because - as I mentioned - most students simply need help catching up on all of the stuff they neglected to bother with over the previous months. On the flip side of that coin, my business is usually down in the beginning and middle of term time.

I encourage students to employ a tutor throughout the academic term not just because it is good for me (although it is!), but because it is good for the student.

Here`s why:

1) Historically, students who leave their work and studies until the end of the term perform worse than their peers who studied throughout the term.

2) By working on your studies throughout the term you are better able to identify what you need help with, and what you don`t.

3) Through periodic tutoring, you can devise a plan to get the most out of your studying and training.

4) Come exam time, you`ll already have a solid foundation of knowledge - making things far easier!

I`m not saying that you need to spend a lot of money or an excessive amount of hours every week on tutoring. But periodic touchpoints throughout the term are proven to help.

Contact me today to put together a plan for you. Make this the year you keep your resolutions!

This resource was uploaded by: Ian

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