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Conflict in Antigone.

There is no conflict within Antigone. Or, at least, the dramatic conflict of the play is only ever born out of attempts at peace. An early review of Anouilh's adaptation stated that '...

Effectiveness of International Anti-Corruption Regulations: Towards Achieving a Common Standard

The paper examines the effectiveness of international anti-corruption laws in curbing transnational corruption. The motivation behind international anti-corruption regulations was to ...

Indian Classical Music (Carnatic)

Indian Classical Music is very popular in the world stage today, because of its mesmerising effect on the audience.Indian Classical Music has two genres - Hindustani Music (mostly pra...

KS2 SAT Guided Reading Technique

The following is a subjective overview of the SATS KS2 Reading Comprehension paper. This is not a complete guide and does not provide any objective content. Further research may be a...

Mental Calculation

Multiplying two complimentary numbers(numbers which are same except the right most digits and the right most digits add to 10). Some of the complimentary pairs are 23 and 27, 44 and 4...

Tips for italian pronunciation

The Italian alphabet has almost the same letters as the English alphabet: ABCDIFGHILMNOPQRSTUVZ. The vowels are AEIOU. Additional letters are JKWXY, used for foreign words or some ...

Trigonometry ... is all about triangles

The triangle of most interest is the right-angled triangle. The three sides of a right angled triangle are, Adjacent,Hypotenuse and opposite. Adjacent is adjacent (next to) to the ...

Why is Programming Important

Why is programming important? Introduction. The world has rapidly increased its digital use in the last few decades. The first smartphone was invented around 1992 (1) and first...

The Secret to Enjoying Education

Having spent most of my life in educational institutions (either as a student or teacher), it quickly became apparent to me what the key to success is when you're trying to learn some...

Ways to encourage reluctant readers to enjoy reading

Most of us are eager for our children to develop a love of books but if you`ve got a reluctant reader in the family, getting them to pick up those paperbacks is easier said than done....