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Is the financial system safer today than it was in 2007?

Is the financial system safer today than it was in 2007? Introduction Capitalism it seems is here to stay and with banks at the heart of it our financial system could hardly mat...

Homicide in Transition Economies; History written in blood.

3. ABSTRACT The collapse of communism in Eastern Europe in 1989 and Soviet Union in 1991 are watershed events in world history. The demise of this system was cherished by many an...

The Power of Statistics.

What is statistics? Statistics is the use of information (known as data) to make a decision where the outcome is not certain. What type of decision? Well statistics can and is use...

The benefits of music on Self-esteem and the impact on children with Special Educational Needs

Self-esteem is a complex term, pertaining to the evaluation of the discrepancy between self-image and the ideal self. Research suggests that self-esteem can impose either a positive ...

Reasons why NOT to do a PhD

Reasons NOT to do a PhD by Octavian, University of Oxford Some of you, after obtaining a taught BSc or a MSc Degree, might be thinking about studying for a resear...

Kafka`s Metamorphosis and its mutations in translation

It's one of the most famous opening lines in literature: "Als Gregor Samsa eines Morgens aus unruhigen Träumen erwachte, fand er sich in seinem Bett zu einem ungeheueren Ungez...

Spinoza`s Notorious Eternity Doctrine

Introduction Spinoza's Ethics contains a doctrine of the eternity of the mind that is notoriously difficult to understand. The difficult consists in two apparent tensions. The firs...

How are governesses used by the Brontë sisters?

Governesses do not belong to any one class or role, which in the nineteenth century - a time of very clear class divides, made governesses rather controversial. Jane Eyre is a Bildung...

18 Benefits of Playing a Musical Instrument

18 Benefits of Playing a Musical Instrument The Chinese philosopher Confucius said long ago that "Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without." Playing ...

Structured literacy programmes

Read Write Spell programmesare series of structured workbooks accompanied by literacy games. They are designed to improve students' reading, spelling, handwriting and grammar. The...