Tutor Hunt

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Research in Photovoltaics

Photovoltaic cells are of paramount importance to the energy sector and the world as a whole, the amount of research done on improving their efficiency throughout history is overwh...

Writing university essays in a good academic style

Many students struggle with writing style when they move from school to university essays. Comments such as "poor style" and "non-academic language" are often found scrawled across st...


I have been looking through more of my old articles for DinoLore, the website I had before this blog, but which I decided to shut down. Some of them were pretty nice though, and, ...

Taxonomy rules – naming and grouping animals scientifically

I was quite surprised to hear when many of our teachers and tutors gave feedback regarding the rules of taxonomic nomenclature (i.e. how to write the names of animal goups) apparen...

Dinosaur Warmbloodedness: The meaning of "warm-blooded"

Being warm-blooded has nothing to do with the temperature of the blood. It is a possibly misleading colloquial name for a certain physiological condition. What it means cannot ...

Exploring the new GCSE Maths Syllabus

Students currently in Year 10 will be the first to sit the new GCSE Maths syllabus with exams taking place May/June 2017. The new syllabus will bring a whole lot of changes in...

Mechanical developments of the piano

The piano is an instrument with very rich features. An instrument that has the largest tonal range, and where - in each register - all tones have characteristic timbres. It is an inst...

Is the 11+ truly tutor proof?

In recent years there has been uproar from Grammar Schools about the private tuition culture or coaching for the 11+ entrance exams. This has led to calls for a tutor proof exam t...

The Legacy of Archaic Shamanism for Psychical Research by Jackie Jones-Hunt Phd.

The subject of archaic shamanism and the vast numbers of historical and contemporary reports of accompanying paranormal shamanic phenomena can be considered to be of great value and i...

Why is Photography so Difficult?

Photography isn't always difficult, a snapshot is a breeze and I make no claims here to be able to sum up a subject so vast. But sometimes, photographers agonise over it, do courses, ...