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The age of the new director

It`s interesting to see that in the world we live in today, business is no longer viewed as boardrooms and pinstriped suits. The rise of entrepreneurs who have created games, social m...

Discussion: ‘Music is an alternate language in Hitchcock, sounding his characters’ unconscious thoughts as it engages our own’ (Jack Sullivan, Hitchcock’s Music).

Music does more than simply communicate the emotions of characters. I will consider how Hitchcock uses music in Rope,[1] Rear Window,[2] and the remake of The Man Who Knew Too Mu...

Errors and suspension account

Trial Balance After completing the double entries we close the ledger accounts and day books and then listings all of the balances in a sheet in order to find or confirm that our entr...
Dianna Sue

Management of employees with ASD in the workplace

The purpose of this report is to examine the extent to which employees with ASD in the workplace require different management style as opposed to employees without ASD. Thus far, the...

Arabic Language: The Attitude, Motive And Difficulty

Everyone wants to learn Arabic should, initially, review his attitude towards Arabic, inspect his motives and find out if it is really difficult or not. This article is to help a no...

How and why do revolutions either succeed or fail?

For many of the most powerful nations of today, revolutions act as milestones in their national history, marking a break at which they could achieve their current form, or a significa...

On `Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird`, by Wallace Stevens

Writing a commentary on ‘Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird’ poses difficulties – it seems almost designed to be elusive to traditional critical analysis. It is composed of thirt...


In simple terms, computer architecture refers to a set of methods and rules that describe the basic functionality, implementation and organization of a computer system. Computer ar...

Know Your Worth

During a lecture, a speaker got a 100 pounds note and held it up for all to see, I thought I knew what`s up. But he just asked a simple question. "How much is this worth?" "One thousa...

Research in Photovoltaics2

The anatomy of photovoltaic cells are silicon (Si) usually doped with P-type and N-type materials such as phosphorus (P) or arsenic (As) Boron (B) and Gallium (Ga) as stated in sol...