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  • 💸 Lessons from £15 /hr

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Here you can browse our top 10 Physics Tutors located in Teddington, we have ordered our results by proximity to Teddington town centre. Tutor Hunt is a great place to search local Teddington Physics Tutors. To make contact with any of Tutor Hunt members you must register an account with us. If you wish to search deeper such as refining teaching level from primary level through to a level, please use the search box above to find your perfect Physics tutor!

Teddington Physics Tutors
5 (2 students)
QTS Induction
/ hr
level Physics tutoring for all exam boards and IB, and help with preparation for the British Physics Olympiad. My approach is adapted to the needs of each individual s...
Richmond, Surrey (1.2 miles from centre)
5 miles
Member for
10 years
GCSE Drama
£19 - £25
/ hr
School. I achieved 2A* and one A at A level and 8A* and 3As at GCSE. I have experience mentoring GCSE students all three sciences and maths. I am well acquainted with...
London, Middlesex (2.4 miles from centre)
Hours Taught
5 miles
Member for
4 years
5 (19 students)
PhD Biology
/ hr
I am very friendly, easily approachable and extremely competent in my field and enjoy teaching to help others achieve academic excellence by making learning interestin...
West Molesey, Surrey (2.5 miles from centre)
2 miles
Member for
10 years
4.5 (6 students)
BEd Diploma in Education
/ hr
I also tutor on weekday evenings and on weekends. As well as this, I own a sports coaching company, which offers sports clubs to primary schools in Surrey. I tutor mat...
Surrey, Surrey (2.6 miles from centre)
10 miles
Member for
9 years
MEng MEng Engineering and Computer Science
/ hr
C. S. E to Degree level to Putney and the surrounding areas (Richmond, Fulham, Wimbledon, Barnes, Roehampton, Wandsworth, Battersea, Hammersmith, Mortlake and Clapham)...
Kingston Upon Thames, London (2.6 miles from centre)
50 miles
Member for
15 years
5 (2 students)
BSc Anatomy, Developmental and Human Biology
£55 - £65
/ hr
Students have got into prestigious universities such as Cambridge University, other Russel Group Universities such as Imperial, UCL and King`s. I have also got experie...
Kingston, Surrey (2.6 miles from centre)
2 miles
Member for
7 years
BSc Engineering
/ hr
I am very patient person and understand Physics and Maths for some children can be very challenging
London (3 miles from centre)
5 miles
Member for
6 years
£31.25 - £37.5
/ hr
I specialise in entrance exams, in particular with Non- Verbal and Verbal reasoning. I have just finished school with 4A* in Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Chemistr...
Hounslow, Middlesex (3.1 miles from centre)
5 miles
Member for
4 years
MMath Mathematics
/ hr
I have tried to provide tailored information for each of these levels in subheadings below - so do scroll down. The levels I teach are: - GCSE & IGCSE - A- level & I...
Richmond, London (3.2 miles from centre)
Hours Taught
10 miles
Member for
10 years
A Level Physics
/ hr
University entrance exams for Physics (PAT), ENGAA, NSAA Alevel Physics Alevel Maths ALevel Further Maths PAT, ENGAA, NSAA University entrance exams for Physics, Engin...
Hounslow, London (3.6 miles from centre)
Hours Taught
50 miles
Member for
7 years

Feedback for our tutors in from previous students

"My son feels that Bayo has a full grasp of the subject and conveys this well in his tutoring. "
 Feedback for Bayo
"Hugo has been an absolute delight to have as a tutor. Always on time professional and friendly. Checks ahead with what my son would like to go over, so arrives fully prepared. I would highly recommend Hugo to anyone looking for a tutor. Josette Webb"
 Feedback for Hugo
"Veronika is a great tutor. Very professional and patient with my son. She has really helped him improve in Maths. My son says he now understands Maths again. I would highly recommend Veronika."
 Feedback for Veronika
"Juan is teaching my daughter GCSE Physics and she`s said he is the best of all her tutors. She`s always struggled with Physics but she achieved a grade 8 in her last mock with support from Juan. She`s said he`s patient, know his stuff and engaging when tutoring "
 Feedback for Juan
"Amy did her internship year in my research group. She was soon responsible for a number of new task. She was a an excellent intern and team-member thanks to her intellectual and social skills."
 Feedback for Ka Lung
"Kisan was an outstanding student; academically very able and fully involved in many areas outside of the classroom. He was an excellent vice-school captain and demonstrated very real leadership qualities in carrying out his responsibilities. He left King Edward VI Aston School as a well-rounded student and mature beyond his years. I recommend him to you for this tutoring role without any reservations whatsoever."
 Feedback for Matthew

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"I certainly recommend Tutor Hunt. The Service is very professional, and efficient..."
Lashae 2016/02/13