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Here you can browse our top 9 Economics Tutors located in Crossharbour, we have ordered our results by proximity to Crossharbour town centre. Tutor Hunt is a great place to search local Crossharbour Economics Tutors. To make contact with any of Tutor Hunt members you must register an account with us. If you wish to search deeper such as refining teaching level from primary level through to a level, please use the search box above to find your perfect Economics tutor!

Crossharbour Economics Tutors
5 (1 students)
MSc Risk Management
/ hr
ii) With no time zone or level restrictions and confidently promise to bring in all my knowledge, energy and passion for an interactive, engaging and fruitful session...
London, London (0.9 miles from centre)
Hours Taught
Home only
Member for
3 years
BSc Economics
£25 - £30
/ hr
m currently experiencing. I really enjoy helping families and their children to make tough subjects fun to learn. I believe that motivation comes from competence and e...
London, London (1 miles from centre)
Hours Taught
10 miles
Member for
7 years
5 (1 students)
£50 - £56.25
/ hr
I also have experience working with younger children (aged 7- 10) through my 5 years as a Brownie leader. I am passionate about helping students to have that lightbul...
London, London (2.1 miles from centre)
Hours Taught
Home only
Member for
4 years
PGCE Mathematics Education
/ hr
re wondering, this was at a non- selective state secondary school. No 11+, no entrance test, no fees, nothing. The UK government ranked us as **Britain’ s number...
London, London (2.3 miles from centre)
Home only
Member for
2 years
BEng Renewable Energy Engineering
£19 - £25
/ hr
I will assess the kind of learner you are and suggest revision techniques that will work for the long term. By the end of your time with me, I hope you gain the knowle...
Lewisham, London (2.4 miles from centre)
Hours Taught
Home only
Member for
3 years
5 (7 students)
£30 - £50
/ hr
esteem in my students while creating a compassionate learning environment tailored to their individual needs, enabling them to fulfil their full potential. Being an ex...
London, London (2.6 miles from centre)
2 miles
Member for
5 years
5 (8 students)
BSc Economics
£35 - £40
/ hr
Cambridge educated and experienced Economics tutor. 10+ 5* reviews, with experience tutoring in all London unis (LSE, UCL, Kings, City, Goldsmiths) and more, and offer...
London, London (2.7 miles from centre)
50 miles
Member for
7 years
5 (4 students)
MSc Economics and Econometrics
£62.5 - £75
/ hr
I previously received a Distinction in MSc Economics (and Econometrics) at the University of Southampton where I achieve the highest in class, and have a First Class d...
London, London (3 miles from centre)
5 miles
Member for
8 years
5 (1 students)
BSc Economics, Mathematics and Statistics
£56.25 - £75
/ hr
I have been awarded the MSc in Economics at University College London with Merit and the BSc in Economics, Mathematics and Statistics with a First ­ class Honours...
London, London (3.4 miles from centre)
12 miles
Member for
8 years

Feedback for our tutors in from previous students

"Mr.Ahmed has been tutoring my daughter in A Level Economics. He is punctual, well prepared,friendly and encouraging. We would highly recommend him. Rosanne"
 Feedback for ahmed
"Dannie is very good and he is very knowledgable about his subject. He has a significant amount of resources. He is really clear about exam style questions and the mark scheme. I will recommend him as a tutor."
 Feedback for Dannie
"Marcus is a very good and kind economics teacher. He got along with my daughter very well. He is highly recommended."
 Feedback for Marcus
"Varjodh is a very good teacher.He is encouraging and makes complicated things simple.My son was really struggling with GCSE maths but after having Varjodh as his teacher he looks forward to maths."
 Feedback for Varjodh Singh
"Natasha is an outstanding young economist and a real pleasure to teach. I am sure that she would be a very gifted tutor and that she would be an excellent addition to your programme."
 Feedback for Omar
"I had the privilege of supervising Mr. Tim for his dissertation, as part of his MA degree from the School of Government and International Affairs, Durham University. We worked closely over a period of roughly 5 months, developing an executing his research. He was an excellent student who excelled in all aspects of the program. I offer you my unreserved endorsement for this position."
 Feedback for Simon

Customer Satisfaction based on 420 reviews
"I certainly recommend Tutor Hunt. The Service is very professional, and efficient..."
Lashae 2016/02/13