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  • 💸 Lessons from £15 /hr

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Here you can browse our top 10 Biology Tutors located in Maryland, we have ordered our results by proximity to Maryland town centre. Tutor Hunt is a great place to search local Maryland Biology Tutors. To make contact with any of Tutor Hunt members you must register an account with us. If you wish to search deeper such as refining teaching level from primary level through to a level, please use the search box above to find your perfect Biology tutor!

Maryland Biology Tutors
5 (2 students)
BSc Biomedical Sciences
£27.5 - £30
/ hr
online tutoring. After studying at one of the top grammar schools in the country, I achieved a 2: 1 in my BSc Biomedical Sciences from Queen Mary, University of London...
London, London (0.5 miles from centre)
3 miles
Member for
6 years
BSc Biology
£20 - £25
/ hr
I also have 3 A* A- levels in Biology, Psychology and Art. I now work full time for an Asthma and healthcare charity but am free evenings and weekends. I have a wealth...
Leyton, London (0.9 miles from centre)
5 miles
Member for
9 years
4.5 (5 students)
MSc International Development Management
£11 - £25
/ hr
I am based in Leytonstone London and also teach at my place. Currently i have 30 students coming to my place for tutoring every week. I am humble and privileged to sa...
London (1.7 miles from centre)
2 miles
Member for
11 years
1 (1 students)
MSc Engineering (Biochemical)
£20 - £40
/ hr
Very often students will understand the concepts but are not able to translate that in exams by not answering questions in the manner the examiner wants them to. I lov...
Wanstead, London (2.2 miles from centre)
3 miles
Member for
9 years
GCSE Chemistry
/ hr
Whether it be to students who are struggling with certain aspects or to those who are fairly competent with the subject, I seek to ensure that whatever I teach is of a...
Leyton, London (2.5 miles from centre)
3 miles
Member for
4 years
GCSE Biology, Maths, Chemistry
£25 - £27.5
/ hr
For online lessons, it will be via tutor hunt online or other platform Skype or zoom which I will be able to share my screen for content with students. It will be an i...
London, London (2.7 miles from centre)
Hours Taught
4 miles
Member for
5 years
PGCE Secondary Science teacher
£31.25 - £37.5
/ hr
I started my career working for a state school as a science teacher and still continue to do so but give pivate lessons after school. Supported students at secondary...
Hackney, London (2.7 miles from centre)
Home only
Member for
12 years
5 (1 students)
PGCE Science
£37.5 - £69.38
/ hr
I want to cultivate and open minds to enjoy and truly appreciate how amazing science is. Thus, enabling students to meet their educational requirements. Overall, I bel...
Ilford, Essex (3.4 miles from centre)
Hours Taught
5 miles
Member for
4 years
GCSE Physics
£31.25 - £37.5
/ hr
My knowledge is not limited to only these boards and I will still be able to teach effectively if your school is using a different exam board. I have had a years tutor...
Ilford, Essex (3.5 miles from centre)
Hours Taught
Home only
Member for
4 years
£20 - £31.25
/ hr
Charity’ s volunteered: Project Paani, British Heart Foundation • Fundraising through cake sales, bucket collections and other events. Working within a team...
London, London (3.7 miles from centre)
10 miles
Member for
3 years

Feedback for our tutors in from previous students

"Patricia has given Our daughter more confidence"
 Feedback for Patricia
"Munad is an excellent tutor and well explains all the topics in detail with great tips and advice on how to answer exam questions, perfecting exam technique. He comes well prepared to lessons and can teach A Level Biology, Chemistry and Maths extremely well."
 Feedback for Munad-Ar-Rehman
"Having never used a tutor site before, it was with a little apprehension that we decided to buy Dr Susan`s details...and we are so glad we did. She has been amazing at helping my daughter with GCSE level Chemistry and Physics. She is very clear and easy to understand with her explanations and always comes prepared. She is also very flexible with her time and if she is unable to come, she will let us know in advance and give us an option for another day or time if necessary. My daughter and I have been very grateful for her help (which she still receives) and know that her increased confidence in the subjects is certainly due to the help she`s received from Dr Susan."
 Feedback for Susan
"Ms Harriet has helped my daughter for a few months. She has been very reliable and increased my daughters confidence in biology. My daughter has already improved a grade from Christmas A level mocks to Easter A level mocks. I would highly recommend this tutor. 👍;"
 Feedback for Harriet
"Anisa is a very reliable and extremely determined person. She is dedicated to whatever she puts her mind to. She is also only ever truthfully happy when she sees other people succeeding and does not let her problems and tribulations defeat her motivation. She is also a very very interesting person in general and finds it easy to integrate with people making good relationships with people of different walks of life. She is very loveable."
 Feedback for Judge David
"Reyan helped me go from a D grade in year 12 to an A grade at A levels. She helped me get my offer to get into medical school with her interview practise help. She has really motivated and encouraged me"
 Feedback for Nicholas

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"I certainly recommend Tutor Hunt. The Service is very professional, and efficient..."
Lashae 2016/02/13