Tutor HuntResources English Resources

English Language


Date : 17/01/2012

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Uploaded by : Zakaria
Uploaded on : 17/01/2012
Subject : English

Plenty of Students that may not have an issue speaking or reading the English Language, may end up losing marks on grammatical/spelling errors. Additionally, this generations vocabulary seems to be far worse than the generation before us. All these issues are much easier to solve than what one may think, and a mere two or three hours a week of reading, comprehension and grammar checks usually improve ones English skills four-fold, within a matter of months.

In this era, with unemployment running sky high, it is inevitable to attain as many skills as one can, however, the basic English language is still a core necessity. Its never too late to polish the skills of a language you already know quite a bit about, so all those students that feel their English is just below standard. I suggest a little bit of extra classes, extra effort, that would go a long way a few years from now.

This resource was uploaded by: Zakaria

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