Tutor HuntResources Maths Resources

Reduce Anxiety

How to reduce anxiety - Maths

Date : 09/12/2013

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Uploaded by : Mohan
Uploaded on : 09/12/2013
Subject : Maths

Math anxiety is a tricky thing to conquer, because unlike other forms of anxiety, you can`t necessary teach someone to completely avoid anxiety if they are struggling to solve a problem. Some level of anxiety is natural, and some people believe that overconfidence (ie, no anxiety) may cause issues as well. Clearly the best way to reduce that anxiety is studying, because the more the student is used to solving a problem, the less intimidating the problem becomes. However, there are strategies that teachers and parents can implement to reduce math test anxiety even further, including: .Create a Personal Test Taking Strategy Psychotherapy Pharmacological Treatments (Medications) Complementary Treatments Lifestyle Changes Kind regards Mohan

This resource was uploaded by: Mohan

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