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A Remark On Fp1

Proof by induction

Date : 28/11/2013

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Uploaded by : Tao
Uploaded on : 28/11/2013
Subject : Maths

There are three different types of questions.

1.TO find a general expression for the terms from a sequence by using induction.

2.To find matrix products or matrix power by using induction.

3.To show that a given function f(n) is divisible by an integer m.

The first two types of questions are very basic and easy. You need to verify the case when n=1 and make an assumption on n=k then finally prove that it is also true for the case when n=k+1.

For the third one, we usually consider f(k+1)-f(k). However sometimes it does not work. One may try f(k+1)+f(k). In the worst scenario, one has to use f(k+1)+c*f(k) with c constant to be determined.

I am producing an A-level review guide. Contact me if you are interested.

This resource was uploaded by: Tao