Tutor HuntResources Basic Skills Resources

Basic Writing

Writing paragraphs/essays

Date : 30/09/2013

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Uploaded by : Natasha
Uploaded on : 30/09/2013
Subject : Basic Skills

Writing is the first process of creating paragraphs. Additionally, individuals can become overwhelmed if they do not know the proper steps to writing paragraphs. It is imperial that students and others become knowledgeable of the writing process. Colleges or universities and other organizations require students and others to write professional essays. Writing has to be done professionally by individuals and students as to show expertise of being both a writer and editor for projects.

There are three steps to the writing process. Each step must be used when putting together a professional essay. The first step to the writing process is generating ideas which involves discovering what to write about and discovering material. The second part of the writing process is planning, drafting, and developing. The final step of the writing process is revising and editing.

Grammar, spelling, style, and content/structure of a paragraph are very important to consider when writing an essay. Also, when interviewers read job seekers` resume and cover letter, they look for errors in their documents. Knowing what words to place in documents and what format to use for them, is very important. Individuals, including students, should practice writing paragraphs to increase their writing skills. Practice is the key to improvement!

This resource was uploaded by: Natasha