Tutor HuntResources English Resources

Understanding And Responding To Poetry.

The example looks at how to begin an anlysis of a text through questioning content and structure

Date : 05/08/2013

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Uploaded by : Mark
Uploaded on : 05/08/2013
Subject : English

Taken from Little Boy Crying.

Your mouth contorting in brief spite and

Hurt, your laughter metamorphosed into howls,

Your frame so recently relaxed now tight

With three year old frustration, your bright eyes

Swimming tears, splashing your bare feet,

You stand there angling for a moment's hint

Of guilt or sorrow for the quick slap struck.

Comment on understanding the first line of the poem:

Your mouth: From whose perspective is this poem? Why is the father watching the mouth? Does this suggest that something has already happened- that we are joining the scene half way through an event: action and re-action? Contorting: How does this suggest pain? How does this suggest physical movement? Brief: Ambiguous? Is this happening quickly or is it not going to last for long? Spite: Hatred? Spit? Like a snake- an indicator of degree? Why no punctuation- does this suggest strength through combining hurt and hatred?

This resource was uploaded by: Mark