Tutor HuntResources Exercise and Fitness Resources

Exercise Is Easy

This article is on how to maintain a healthy diet

Date : 02/08/2013

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Uploaded by : Moeed
Uploaded on : 02/08/2013
Subject : Exercise and Fitness

managing energy is the key to sustaining high performance. However, when facing seemingly infinite demands, one's ability to manage and expand physical energy can be severely compromised. This can result in persistent fatigue (physical, but also emotional and mental) and a growing level of disengagement with one's career, family, friends, and personal well-being, which can ultimately lead to performance failure.Regular aerobic and resistance training are two of the strategies we suggest to help individuals manage and expand their physical energy, prevent fatigue, and sustain engagement in those things that really matter to them. For either of these exercise strategies to be practical and applicable to the time-constrained client, they must be safe, effective, and efficient. As many of our clients travel frequently, the program also must be able to be performed anywhere, without special equipment.

Standard guidelines for aerobic training recommend 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity exercise (46% to 63% of maximal oxygen uptake, V?O2max) for 30 to 60 minutes per session and/or 75 minutes per week of vigorous-intensity exercise (64% to 90% V?O2max) for 20 to 60 minutes per session (3).Although these traditional protocols can be effective, they may not be realistic enough for time-conscious adults because of the amount of time necessary to complete each program, in addition to some limitations to effectiveness demonstrated in the literature

This resource was uploaded by: Moeed