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Tips & Tricks Of Getting A Phd

Very few online tutors out there are available to talk about PhD tutoring. A PhD is a daunting university experience and many fear what exactly happens if you intend to join one, or even when you are in one.

Date : 15/11/2023

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Uploaded by : Yusra
Uploaded on : 15/11/2023
Subject : Basic Skills

1.Get you PhD application right

How to apply and make your first contact with potential PhD supervisors is something you need to learn. Of course things are sometimes different according to the country you are applying in (See our blog: Differences between a UK and a US PhD). Step-by-step guidance for a resume for PhD applications, writing your research proposal, and the ‘first ever’ email are some of the things that need help to get your application noticed out of the several hundreds or so. Focus your efforts to nail this in your application.

2. Look for suitable funding sources

Finances are an important concern for all degrees but more so with a long-term commitment like a PhD. You need to be clear of where and who will pay your tuition fees, lab expenses, and living costs. Look for all possible sources where you can secure funding from, including internal University funding and external organizations like charities and other funding bodies.

3. Write ‘the thesis’ the right way

Writing a 100-page book (on average!) is no easy task. You need help with the structure and also with the content guidance. How to review literature? Where and how to collect your data and organise it? If you follow a thorough plan from day one, you will surely not fret and worry when you are due to hand it in. Keeping yourself motivated and on track, and avoiding distractions is the key!

4.Defend your PhD thesis and ace it

PhD mock vivas help you prepare yourself for the final round that would make you a ‘Dr’! You don’t want to leave any stone unturned! Read your thesis thoroughly and also the references you have mentioned. Try to be critical, analyse your research, and identify its weaknesses and strengths. What could you have done better? What other resources could have helped?

5.Publish your research

No research is complete without publishing it in peer-reviewed journals. Manuscri pt writing, editing and proofreading services can help you understand this process, especially if you are doing it for the first time. A good publication can open up your future prospects, and build your repute as a scientist!

This resource was uploaded by: Yusra