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Using Coding To Solve Mathematical Problems

What is the importance of learning to code and how can it help in solving mathematical problems?

Date : 25/09/2023

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Uploaded by : Elisa
Uploaded on : 25/09/2023
Subject : Maths

Using Coding to Solve Mathematical Problems

In the modern era, Mathematics can be seen everywhere and is used in almost every profession and career, which is why we are taught it in schools from such a young age. But coding and programming is also a skill that is fast becoming necessary for many jobs and careers. Learning even the basics of coding can increase your chances of getting that dream job or achieving a grade higher in your most recent university assignment.

Coding is not just a skill used for creating websites and the apps we see on our phones and electronical devices. Coding can be used to solve all sorts of mathematical problems and tasks. There are several languages that can be used for mathematical purposes, two particularly useful ones that are good for beginner programmers and advanced programmers alike are MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory) and Python (specifically Numerical Python and Symbolic Python, numpy and sympy). Python is accessible for free via Google Colab or Python IDLE.

There are many in-built functions in both Python and MATLAB that can help you solve quadratics, partial fractions, differentials, integrals and much more with a simple line of code. A particularly useful use of coding in Mathematics is when completing iterative problems. If you are currently doing A-Level mathematics you may have come across iterative problems such as the Newton-Raphson method, now imagine instead of having to repeatedly tap buttons on your calculator and writing different equations and decimals down, you could write a quick function on your laptop in just a couple of minutes and then input any numbers and receive the correct answer within a matter of seconds, this function can then be saved to your device and used anytime you need it. You have greatly reduced your workload and the time spent solving such problems by simply learning how to code a few easy lines of code.

There are lots of free resources out there that can teach you the basics of coding and even more if you wish to advance even further in your coding journey. Just look on YouTube for some great Python and MATLAB videos that explain everything, or I will be uploading some further articles explaining the basics of each language and how we can use it for solving Mathematical problems, so keep an eye out for them!

This resource was uploaded by: Elisa