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Maths Gcse- Use Of Calculator- Anne B.

Use of scientific calculator -MATHS GCSE

Date : 29/01/2023

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Uploaded by : Anne
Uploaded on : 29/01/2023
Subject : Maths

Using a scientific calculator for MATHS GCSE -Calculator-Paper 2 and Paper 3 , will reduce the time to do the questions. Instead of 5 minutes, only 2 minutes.

Find the prime factors of 560. Enter 560, press =, and press shift FACT, we get 2^4 x 5 x7.

Find the HCF of 280 and 350. We enter the prime factors of theses two numbers .

280= 2^3 x 5 x7 350 = 2 x5^2 x7 , HCF=2 x5 x7=70

Entering an equation into the calculator , entering values from a table.

Entering Menu, click table, (option 9) , f(x)= 2-8x. First we 2 , - and 8 and then alpha and press red x. Click = twice and enter the start value, e.g, -1 , the end value, e.g. 4 and step =1. All the values of the table appears.

If f(x) is an quadratic , we enter f(x)= x^2 -2x +3

We press alpha, enter red x , x to power 2, then -, 2 alpha, red x , and +, 3.

Click = twice , enter the start value, e.g = -1. the end value, eg= 5 and step =1 . All values of the table appears.

Changing a fraction to a mixed number , and reverse,

Entering the fraction using the fraction button , enter the numerator and denominator using the arrow keys.

Click = and press SHIFT and the button S-D.

If we have a mixed number , we enter the mixed number pressing the Shift key, and the fraction button.

We enter the mixed number in the case as requested using the arrows button and press shift keye S-D button to change it to a fraction . Press S-D again to get a decimal number.

This resource was uploaded by: Anne

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