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Forearm Anatomy


Date : 10/01/2022

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Uploaded by : Shahab
Uploaded on : 10/01/2022
Subject : Medicine

Forearm Anatomy Quiz

Question 1

Which of these muscles are the deepest in the forearm?

A) Flexor digitorum profundus

B) Flexor digitorum superficialis

C) Flexor carpi ulnaris

D) Palmaris longus

E) Flexor carpi radialis

Flexor digitorum profundus arises from the ulna and interosseus membrane. Both flexor digitorum profundus and flexor pollicis longus are the deepest muscles in the forearm.

Question 2

Which of these muscles are the most superficial in the forearm?

A) Flexor digitorum superficialis

B) Palmaris longus

C) Pronator quadratus

D) Flexor carpi radialis

E) Flexor digitorum profundus

Palmaris longus inserts into the palmar fascia and is absent in a proportion of the population. It s function is minimal and the muscle and tendon can be used as tendon grafts.

Question 3

Which of these forearm muscles is supplied by the ulnar nerve?

A) Flexor carpi radialis

B) Flexor digitorum superficialis

C) Pronator teres

D) Flexor carpi ulnaris

E) Anconeus

The ulnar nerve is the nerve of the hand. The exception to this rule is the flexor carpi ulnaris and the ulnar half of the flexor digitorum profundus muscle.

Question 4

Which nerve supplies the pronator teres muscle?

A) Median nerve

B) Radial nerve

C) Ulnar nerve

D) Musculocutaneous nerve

E) Axillary nerve

The median nerve is the nerve of the forearm. The exception to this tule are the muscles of the thenar eminence (flexor pollicis brevis, extensor pollicis brevis, opponens pollicis) and radial two lumbrical muscles.

Question 5

Which artery divides to form the radial and ulnar artery?

A) Subclavian artery

B) Axillary artery

C) Brachial artery

D) Branchial artery

E) Deep palmar arch

The axillary artery becomes the brachial artery once is passes the inferior border of teres major.

Question 6

Which bone of the forearm articulates with the scaphoid bone?

A) Ulna

B) Humerus

C) Trapesium

D) Radius

E) Clavicle

The radius articulates with the scaphoid and the lunate carpal bones. Proximally the head of the radius sits within the annular ligament and attaches to the lateral aspect of the ulna. The head of the radius articulates with the capitulum of the humerus.

Question 7

Which bone of the forearm articulates with the triangular fibrocartilaginous complex (TFCC) of the wrist?

A) Ulna

B) Humerus

C) Trapesium

D) Radius

E) Clavicle

The ulna bone articulates with the triangular fibrocartilaginous complex, and has no direct bony articulation distally. The TFCC is a triangular pad of cartilage that sits between the ulna and the triquetrum carpal bone.

Question 8

What vein of the forearm drains into the axillary vein without receiving drainage from any other veins?

A) Cephalic

B) Brachial

C) Basilic

D) Radial

E) Ulnar

The superficial veins of the forearm are the cephalic and basilic. The cephalic is named after the word cephalad i.e. relating to the head. This is because the vein passes from the hand, up the forearm and joins the brachial vein without receiving any tributaries. At this point it is renamed the axillary vein.

Question 9

Which nerve passes through the cubital tunnel?

A) Radial nerve

B) Median nerve

C) Ulnar nerve

D) Axillary nerve

E) Musculocutaneous nerve

The cubital tunnel is a fascial tunnel on the medial aspect of the elbow joint. It conveys the ulnar nerve from the arm into the forearm. At this point the nerve can become impinged and result in paraesthesia and pain for the patient.

Question 10

Which muscle of the forearm wraps around Lister s tubercle of the radius?

A) Flexor pollicis longus

B) Flexor carpi radialis

C) Extensor carpi radialis longus

D) Extensor digiti minimi

E) Extensor pollicis longus

Listers tubercle is a projection from the dorsal aspect of the radius. The EPL tendon wraps around this tubercle, which enables the tendon to extend the thumb in the correct anatomical plane.

This resource was uploaded by: Shahab

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